It looks like we've all been busy with "real life" around here. Just enough time to check in for a few minutes here and there around the corner, but not enough time to do any real thinking for this blog.
I don't know about you, but a break from "pondering" can often be a welcome relief. Thought provoking stuff will come up tomorrow or the next day.
Our first concert last night went well. Since it was a Thursday evening, the attendance was not as good as our Sunday concert will be. Although it is undoubtedly not PC, my favorite song in the program is "Waitin' For The Robert E. Lee". It is very harmonious, peppy and syncopated. Our director is a lovely lady who apparently has no conception of the political history of the song. She just loves to play it on the piano and the way it sounds when we sing it.
WM, I see you are being prayed for. I hope our positive thoughts and good wishes will work as well. Venting here will at least help to get your frustrations off your chest. When you have time, let us know how it is going.
PMT, Just a few more days until you are "up, up and away". It will please us greatly if you have a few minutes here and there to post and let us know where you are and what you are up to. You spend the money and we'll get in on the fun. Sounds like a winner to me.
WH, Is the hay harvest done yet? It seems to me I have seen paintings and heard old "Hey, nonnie, nonnie" type songs about the frolicking that goes on when folks are a-haying. Any truth to the bucolic image, as shown in Summer, Haying at Jones Inn, by George Henry Durrie?
HA! I just checked email and found out that this doesn't look like too much fun. However, this looks like there may have been some frolicking going on.
WH, so nice to see photos of you and The Lovely Irish. Is that red hair we see under the hat? If so, it is as it should be.
Morning...and I am still mired in problems and waiting for a call from a Dr at the Stanford ER. My day is on hold and I am trying to keep from just banging my head on the wall, which would be seriously more pleasant.
Will maybe come back later with wine and a rant. the image and so glad you had so much fun at your concert...its great that you get to do a repeat on Sunday to a hopefully larger audience.
WH...I tried really hard to concentrate on my WB yesterday while waiting in 2 different ER's,,,but no luck, will have to reread everything later. :oP
PMT...the excitement builds!!!!
The links you posted did not work, how about E-mailing them?
Believe it or not, there is sometimes enough energy left after a day in the hay field for a liitle frolic. It sure made for a tough day today though.
We are just getting started haying. Seventeen acres so far, about 500 bales, with about 40 acres to go in the first cutting. In about 35 days, we get to do it again.
The hair is red, a little bleached by the sun this time of year. And she is lovely, and as WM suggested, I am a lucky bastard. On good days I like to think she is also lucky to have one of the last of the full-grown men, even if I am an old fart. We've been together for nearly 18 years, married for three. It is as it was, and I don't believe it will end. I read her your comment, she thanks you.
Even as a sceptic, I don't think it is a bad thing that people are praying for you. All positive energy is good; you have ours.
I know you're pretty busy, so I'll
Just wish you and Special Agent Rich a wonderful time. We'll be here when you return. Bon Voyage.
Hi guys...I'm wiped out...this has been a very long week and another very long day. I am amazed at all the good thoughts pouring out of the blog and tomorrow I want to offer KittyB some insight that may help her. Crockett made an awesome point about control over one's life...I know we don't name names, but these are special and caring people. So, if you are lurking...mille grazi to all.
I have been on the phone so much in the last few days that I think my left ear is numb...doctors, nurses, family...explanations, conferences, updates. Frustrations.
I think of myself as a strong person but I keep pulling things out the depths just to cope and I have come to the realization that I have reached the end of my resources and that all the things that I know and have learned cannot heal her if she fights everyone.
I did have an amazing conversation this afternoon with a Nurse Practitioner who was working with her. We talked a lot about what she needs to do to stay healthy and move herself towards the final surgery that she so desparately wants. He was incredibly supportive of everything I told her and laid out some specific plans for daily water and nutrition intake to move her toward health. Technically there is absolutely nothing wrong with her but she is literally killing herself by not eating and drinking water. Simple things. I talked with her care giver who is a lovely and caring person and I am hoping we can move forward.
I guess that I have always had this belief in my ability to make things happen and that through sheer force of will it will come to pass...I am finding my limitations. I find myself in the position of mediator between my brothers and their wives and my mother, but in some ways this all has been bringing us closer together...we are all pulling in the same direction...
I am of the belief that whatever will happen will happen and I need to start letting go and focus on some personal things also.
WH and Irish...I AM an old fart and I am married to and old fart...and we are possibly more in sync than ever in our lives. You are lucky to have such a talented partner...cheesemaker, tractor driver, computer person, helpmate...she is lucky to have a loving and compassionate, erudite and caring partner. Best of the best.
I think we are all in a good place and I am ever so grateful to such unseen friends out in the ether...
PMT, my excitement builds and we are hoping for pics...have more fun than you can possible stand and please look through the eyes of a child with awe and wonder at the beauty you will behold...we want to see through your eyes.
CA...I thank you for your Clear Eyes and your clever thoughts and insights and poetry...I would be you if I ever grow up...
Hugs to all...time for more wine tonight and then...blessed fog and a cool day to paint.
WM did you have a problem opening the links? I didn't, so I wonder if it has something to do with WH's iPhone?
WH, the links were of the photos you had emailed of your haying operation. The first photo was of you and the second was of your beautiful wife looking ever so efficient and capable sitting atop the tractor. I thought any silent visitors to this site might enjoy seeing our hard working farmer on the job.
I'm going to try a double whammy and download the photos to Picasa and post them from there. How about this and this?
Back to WM, I think the decline of a daughter's mother is possibly the most difficult journey we can make. Regardless of the problems in the relationship, there is that "we started this together and we will finish it together" feeling that never quite goes away.
I was very fortunate that my mother died after a very short physical decline and she kept her mental acuity until the end. We were able to have a wonderful conversation about a week before she died, about hopes (many) and fears (few), and tell each other how much we loved one another.
It looks like it will be tougher for you to attain that feeling of a completed life cycle, but you are fortunate that this experience is bringing your family closer together. You are also gaining insight into your own limitations. Sometimes, we women think we should be able to fix everything that comes our way. Wouldn't that be lovely? Sooner or later, we are the rock that hits into the hard place and this is one of them for you. You know I wish the best for you. Hang in there while the rascals are being hanged high!
CA...thanks for the insighful thoughts...quick post then it is paint time...Yes it is tough because we never had anything resembling a relationship at any time and my roll since I was a child has been to make her life run smoother. It makes it difficult and years of being ignored to have to take up the yoke of this kind of responsibity. But I am incredibly lucky to have grown closer to the sister-in-law who is my age...she has been exceedingly supportive on all sides and a cheerleader for my art. My brothers are finally also becoming closer and open to discussion of the present issues. My brothers and I are each 27 mos apart from each other and we all live in the Bay Area. So I have nothing I should really complain about except, possibly, that up against a wall frustration.
We are just going to have to work forward and there is, ultimately, only one eventual conclusion, which I find myself more able to face these days. If I had druthers...I would have much preferred to have had my dad into his 80's...we lost him decades too soon. He was much loved by the whole family. My mother has, her whole life, been problematic to put it nicely...but we just do what we have to do.
Like I said is good to have a place to clear the brain occasionally. And the 2nd links worked, but not the first...Hope the weather is treating you well.
Worked that time. Thanks, and thanks for the compliments.
When I get more than a minute or two, I wil
Do a commiseratory (new word?)
Post about my experience similar to yours.
FYI...a good belly laugh at my morning laugh site...
An Eddie Izzard "Cake or Death" video done with Legos...LOL bigtime...
WH...she says, drumming her fingers on the desk...I'm waiting...albeit more calmly now.
Coming soon, promise.
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