Greetings from this side of the pond :)
I am pleased with this shot I got around midnight at Piccadilly Circus. I am unsure of whether this was the second or the third night that I had the pleasure of wondering around London lit. Regardless, I have the folks in Amsterdam to thank!
The sign said it was 18 euros for three. I was caught off guard when the vendor presented me with a choice of White Willow or something else. I was feeling rushed and did not wish to opt for some bud that would kick my ass, so I opted for the White Willow, figuring it to be the mellower. Well, the last night in London, I wound up tossing the final portion of the last 'J' into the Thames. It was this past Saturday night, the place was hopping down along the Embankment and I was reeling. While I think I have finally paid off my sleep debt, yesterday was a slog. Upon getting back home I was greeted with a notice that I had been summoned for jury duty. I spent the whole day yesterday going through that thing like some rat in a lab.
Anyway, I did manage to get to the Borough market, WM. It was wonderful. It would not have helped if you had told me about it earlier. At least I don't think so. According to my Eyewitness Guide to London, the market (which has been in existence since 1276) it is still only open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays. Rich and I had lunch at a nice little restaurant under the tracks there called FISH. They had it set up so that you could see everything that went on in the cooking area. I always like that. Even if one is not a "foodie", it is nice that they set it up so that it is open to scrutiny by anyone. Truth be told though, I had previous read about a pub that Dickens mentioned in one of his works called The Anchor.
I had thought about visiting it a day or two before but it didn't fit our plans for that day. It turns out it was right in the vicinity of the Borough Market. I could not have anticipated this since I was not at all sure we would get to the market either. Had I realized it, I would probably have steered us there instead of FISH. Ah well. FISH was good and they have a great philosophy. They are big into buying local. They get all of their dairy products from Neal's Yard Dairy, which I believe you mentioned WM.
The trip was so fascinating. I learned so much. For example, while down around the Borough Market area, we ran across this museum.
Welcome home PMT...I did the jury duty on return from a trip...had to go down after lunch...Awful!
These are great photos...thanks for the NYD memory...I worked in the Covent Garden store for a day...Borough Market was a play day. Unfortunately I don't remember seeing the pub...
It sounds like you had a good time in London...very interesting city.
Just checking in and hope you have caught up on sleep...I always had trouble coming home, never going over. About the 2nd or 3rd day, I would hit a wall! LOL.
Look forward to seeing additional have been missed...alot.
Hi PMT, We have been languishing without your spark to get us agitated and up in arms....That's a good thing. We need your talents as a catalyst to get us on our high horses and to start hold forth.
It sounds like your vacation was a glorious one and the White Willow only added to your 'dream trip'.
That reminds me, the War on Drugs is not, has not and never will work. Legalize the stuff, at least decriminalize it. Let the addicts go to a clinic and get what they need without enriching Mexican and Columbian cartels and without stealing our iPods to hock and get the money.
And let those who would like to indulge in a little White Willow, or Maui Wowie, or whatever is the good stuff nowadays, have a little fun without worrying about being thrown in "The Clink".
Phew, I feel better already.
Your description of London made me yearn to head back, but after buying our new Insight hybrid, it may be a while until our fun money account allows for a big vacation.
Tell us more about all your trip. I love the personal little anecdotes.
Glad you're back!
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