From our old standby, Wikipedia
"Olly olly oxen free is a catchphrase used in the childrens' game of hide and seek to indicate that players who are hiding can come out into the open without losing the game. It may possibly be from the German phrase "Alle, alle auch sind frei!" which loosely means "everybody is free!" (Too bad the Nazis didn't use the phrase during WWII. But that is another topic.)
"The correct phrasing used for generations of hide-and-seek and kick-the-can players is based on old English and goes as follows “ALL YE ALL YE IN COME FREE” and it means exactly what it says “all ye players may come in free” ."
OK PMT, time to check in. It has been two weeks since your last post here and we haven't seen you at all around the corner. This blog was your welcome brainchild and it just doesn't flow well without your input.
We have an interesting new poster, PJB and the rest of us still have an unstated opinion or two. Windhover has been dropping his two cents around the corner, but he needs to come back here to really vent. Like the rest of us, all he needs is a little encouragement. (I know, WH, not a whole lot is required.)
AND we still want to hear more about your cruise/vacation.
We all hope that everything is well with you.