From our old standby, Wikipedia
"Olly olly oxen free is a catchphrase used in the childrens' game of hide and seek to indicate that players who are hiding can come out into the open without losing the game. It may possibly be from the German phrase "Alle, alle auch sind frei!" which loosely means "everybody is free!" (Too bad the Nazis didn't use the phrase during WWII. But that is another topic.)
"The correct phrasing used for generations of hide-and-seek and kick-the-can players is based on old English and goes as follows “ALL YE ALL YE IN COME FREE” and it means exactly what it says “all ye players may come in free” ."
OK PMT, time to check in. It has been two weeks since your last post here and we haven't seen you at all around the corner. This blog was your welcome brainchild and it just doesn't flow well without your input.
We have an interesting new poster, PJB and the rest of us still have an unstated opinion or two. Windhover has been dropping his two cents around the corner, but he needs to come back here to really vent. Like the rest of us, all he needs is a little encouragement. (I know, WH, not a whole lot is required.)
AND we still want to hear more about your cruise/vacation.
We all hope that everything is well with you.
Well...great minds apparently think alike...I was going to come and start another topic, but CA has beaten me to it and in much better fashion than I would have.
PMT...my concerns are similar. We have needled and tried to coerce you out of hiding, to no avail. I hope things are going well for you and that something else interesting is currently holding your attention.
I finally gave up and turned on the AC when it reached 87 at 6:30. Just too hot to do much, although compared to where CA is...we have it much easier. The fog is supposed to be cooling things down tonight, but they have been saying that for the last two days...
Hope we will see your little pink devil avatar soon.
PMT, Speaking of Nazis...well, not exactly, but I did mention them in the original post. I did read Skeletons At the Feast at your suggestion. Come on back and we'll talk about it.
WM, I am trembling at the thought of our electric bill this month. If these temperatures continue until next week, we will probably be hit with a $300+ bill. It is only a couple of months a year, but that is the price we pay for living where we do.
I just saw the evening news and heard that California's unemployment rate is over 11%, compared to the national rate of 10%. Fred and I are very thankful that we still have enough income to live in a relatively comfortable fashion. Of course, our daughter's inheritance, whatever that might be, will be greatly reduced from what she might have had her fingers crossed for.
.....And yet, Citibank made 3 billion dollars last quarter. Didn't we all just bail them out??
PMT...CA and I have been in touch and we are genuinely concerned about you...plus the blog banner is in black...any reason for that? Is the blog about about ready to disappear into the ether? Our thoughts are that your trip was like re-hab and you have now broken the crossword addiction and now find that without the blogs that you have way more time...Please, at least if you no longer care to participate in either, come here and let us know that you are on to other things. We became a lovely mini-community and have sincere concerns for you...
You too WH!
Looking forward to a word...WM
WM, CA, and the elusive PMT,
I haven't gone away, and although the last few weeks have been high stress, my brain hasn't turned to mush yet. I just don't have the time or, to be honest, the psychic energy to get in deep. I've especially faltered in my time devoted to reading and study, and feel pretty crappy about that, but my farm work is such that if the Irish and I don't do it, it doesn't get done. We hope by the end of the month things will go back to a work schedule more suited to the dog days of Summer. One problem is that we started June 20 selling Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings at a new Farmers Market. The total is only 8 hours a week, but it consumes a lot more than that. And, as you might guess, dealing directly with the food-buying public is not my strong suit. The tip of my tongue is already raw and bloody, and the next bastard that drives up in a big SUV and tells me that $15/lb is too high for primo lamb loin chops, I'm going to bite it off. Or his ear, a la Mike Tyson. Hey, I feel better already!
Now that I've cathartically smoothed my own feathers, let me lecture you, my lady friends. I've already taken WolfMom to task for this violation, and now I'm writing you a joint ticket. I'm talking about your recent pictures. A little self deprecation and humility is healthy. But it is clear to me that you are both beatiful women, and I have license to make such judgements. Yes, ClearAyes, you were only 14 in that picture, but it's pretty easy to see what another 10 years was going to bring. And WM, that 37 year old in the skating outfit? Men have launched armadas and fought wars over much less. And I'm sorry, but I dont really want to hear anything about age and time eroding anything; what I see in those pictures is classic and timeless beauty. It never really goes away. End of lecture. ;-)
To close, I too am concerned about our friend PMT. I may have to put a couple of tires on the old BMW, load the Irish on the back and head down I-75 to Florida.
Like my Mother used to say, Don't Make Me Come Over There! Seriously, friend, send us a coded message or something. Write it backwards. We'll get it.
And good night, ladies.
Hello Friends,
WH, I would pay definitely pay $15 for some prime lamb. Compared to what you get in many restaurants for twice as much, I'd rather heat up the grill and make the best for myself. Now :o) - recheck the poem I posted yesterday around the corner. Just like tarrajo, don't let the bastards get to you.
Speaking of TJ, I wish she wouldn't even acknowledge the anon posts. As long as he knows she and the rest of us are reading them, he will keep it up. He is not one to be chased off by insults. He seems to feed on them and become more vicious. I am always taken aback at someone who is so unhappy that he/she can't cope with their own lives without trying to hurt others.
BTW, Thanks for the nice comments about WM and me. In spite of the spanking (and who doesn't like that once in a while?) you made our day. Of course, you are right, a little bit of modesty goes a long way. We'll try to rein it in and let the folks fawn over us as much as they like!
On another topic. Did I catch a whiff of antisemitism with a couple of the posts around the corner? I'm sure it would be denied and very probably sincerely, but the "smart businesslike Jews" made me feel just a little uncomfortable.
It also tickled me that the leader around the corner mentioned that she doesn't pray. That should have some of the folks down on their knees and praying for her deliverance.
Still wishing you well, PMT and hoping you make an appearance soon.
I'm glad both you and WM have decided to pay attention to my wise counsel. ;-)
Now if I could could just pay attention myself. Like they say, there is no deception that is more effective than self-deception. And everyone is full of good advice, but don't apply it to themselves, and that is certainly true of moi.
I too noticed the smell of stereotyping over there yesterday. I think PCness can be overly inhibiting, but anti-Semitism is one area where you really can't be too PC. It's a thing people dance around, like race.
(Twenty minute interruption for phone call)
where was I? Oh, yeah, PC. The funeral visitation I went to the other night was for the mother of a college friend of the Irish. He happens to be black. He also grew up in one of our mountain counties not known for it's progressivism, and he also happens to be Catholics. How many more antistereotypical demographics can you imagine? Anyway, off to one side I was having a conversation with a mutual
friend of mine and his, also black, and describing a motel parking lot incident at two AM in the morning near downtown Louisville, after a night of listening to live music and drinking. A friend of a friend decided to get in the trunk of his car and show us all his latest acquisition, a fully automatic Kalishnikov rifle. Picture that for a moment, then imagine a cop driving by. Idiots! So anyway, my black friend says, "Damn good thing you're white!". Of course he's right, but what to say at that moment?
I had to agree.
Anyway, if I have a point, it is that we all are susceptible to these stereotypical reactions and biases that our culture fed us with our mothers milk, and we have to try to unlearn them. So yes, yesterdays references made my skin crawl a little, too.
As far as anon, I'm just going to laugh and enjoy. I think even comforting Tarrajo when she's attacked feeds the scum, so just laugh at it. (Not convinced it's a he)
Re: spanking
Haven't had one since I was 10, but probably have deserved it on many occasions, so.......
Maybe you should pray for me. ;-)
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