Saturday, November 7, 2009

Witchcraft and Lesbianism

Now I feel the time is right
Love will flow like wine tonight
Give your love and it will come to you
If you feel that you and me
Could escape and hold the key
To a paradise that's true and free

Please forgive me, my flock. I have not abandoned you. I have simply been busy practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian.


windhover said...

Deja fucking vu, as Carlin would say, if he weren't roasting in hell. So what'd you do on your summer vacation, my friend? Should I alert the villagers? If there's a story here I'm sure we'd all like to hear it.
How are you, and how've you been?
And BTW, I can dig the lesbian thing. It's my favorite flavor.

Clear Ayes said...

Windhover didn't wait to get your permission. He ran past the hovels with a blazing fagot held high over his head, shouting, "It's ALIVE! It's ALIVE!"

So here we are again. I think all of us have eliminated this site as a blog we follow on our profiles, so hopefully there won't be anyone else here except by royal decree or invite.

I suspect that you've been lurking around the corner, so you should be pretty much caught up with our shenanigans. Our crowning achievement for the summer was that our Christian friend decided she couldn't deal with us heathens without prosthelytizing, so she went away. The ball is now in your corner to catch us up with whatever it is that you've been up to. Don't keep us in suspense for four or five months!

WM said...

Holy shite...arisen from the dead and alive and kicking...whoo hoo! And just when I need something to kick my muse or Genie of creation in the ass and jump start it! The word travels fast and perhaps we have hoisted you out of whatever has been happening to you by our collective thoughts...give us the story and welcome back, my friend!

Auntie Naomi said...

"Windhover didn't wait to get your permission. He ran past the hovels with a blazing fagot held high over his head, shouting, "It's ALIVE! It's ALIVE!"

Uh-oh ...

I didn't quite get this at first and am not sure I still do.

The assumption that I have been lurking around the corner is erroneous. Please forgive me for this, but Wolfmom sort of hit the nail on the head (so to speak) a few months back. My time away in Europe sort of broke me of my blog fixation. It was, as she put it, like rehab. We all have to establish priorities. Windhover has his sheep to shag ...shear. Wolfmom has her panting. You know how it is.

That being said, I do hope to participate more regularly for the time being.

Clear Ayes said...

I think I'm being suspicioned unjustly. A bundle of sticks, folks!