Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good Deeds

It bears mention that Dennis was, in fact, my primary motivation in creating this blog. He stated, in a late night post, that he didn't enjoy the posts related to cooking. It was at that point that it occurred to me that it might be good if there was some other venue available to those who wanted to discuss various subjects at length. This would be good for C.C., who wanted to limit the number, as well as the length, of the posts on her blog. It appears that there is some truth to the notion that, "no good deed goes unpunished."


Clear Ayes said...

PromiseMeThis, Just back from a wonderful concert and unwinding with a glass of wine before heading for bed. Jil Aigrot's first stop on her first U.S. tour was our own little Modesto Gallo Art Center. If she makes it to Florida, I recommend her highly. Mostly Edith Piaf songs, a few American standards and a fantastic backup trio. Even my husband, who is not a fan of things French, was very pleased.

I read your last couple of posts. I understand your motivation in starting this blog and I will certainly pop over to get in a cent or two worth. I have no way of knowing, but it is also possible that C.C. would rather not be the credited "springboard" for discussions here, which might not be to her tastes.

If I were you, I'd let any disagreement on netiquette between you and Dennis just go by the boards. There is nothing to be gained, except possible hard feelings on either side. You are a well informed asset to C.C.'s group. It would be a shame to lose you over there.

People will find this blog by word of mouth and email. Building a group takes a little time.

I might suggest that you get a gmail account, so that people can email you directly if they have any suggestions or more private comments.

Hey, they don't call me Clear Ayes for nothing :o)

Auntie Naomi said...

ClearAyes, I am not familiar with Jil Aigrot. I will look into her (figuratively speaking, of course).

It is telling that Dennis opted to bait me with his, ostensibly, magnanimous offer to let me have the final word. It really does go to show just how much he thinks of my intellect. However, as you stated, there is nothing to be gained by openly sparring with him.
As for building a blog, quite contrary to Dennis' assertion, I really have no interest in gaining a following. The Internet has more than its share of vapid fools and, like yourself, I fear I spend far too much time here, as it is. This realization is what (thankfully) has kept me from excelling at the various computer games that I have networked over the years. Just when I start getting half good at one of them, I take a look around and realize that I am in danger of becoming one of those pathetic souls who is living a completely vicarious existence via some idiotic avatar.

RE: A Gmail account, I have a couple. The one I created for this blog is:

Best Wishes :)

Auntie Naomi said...
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Auntie Naomi said...

For some reason, this damned Blogger site insists upon prefixing my new gmail address with ''.

When I use the link via the 'Preview' feature, it pops up the newly created email window, as it should. Yet, when I post the message the damned thing prefixes it with the aforementioned URL. I guess that for now, if you care to email me, you will need to cut and paste this address -