My last post was an attempt to be humorous. However, I ultimately decided that it was a poor attempt that could too easily be taken personally. I just wanted to post something outrageous so that everyone would know that anything goes over here. Obviously, I felt the potential for misunderstanding trumped any humor and so I deleted it. I am sure I can find something more suitable if my intention is merely to post something shocking.
Sorry WM. My deleted post was intended to be directed at the whole world, not the few regular visitors here. I thought long and hard about posting it and decided to go with it. However, upon seeing your reaction I realized that I had made the wrong choice.
PMT...WHEW!(wipes sweat off brow) Thanks...I thought that was what was happening, but then wasn't so sure...I have an appointment this morning(oncologist), then we get to go Lucysit...I probably won't be back until around 5 pm PST...Just wanted you to know I would be back.
Again...an incredibly gorgeous photo! I will also try again to get that invitation to work!
See y'all later 'gator.
Hi Folks, I did look in last night and saw the Frank Zappa video and accompanying post. I figured it was just an example of PMT's sometimes outrageous humor. I didn't have time to comment then, and thought I'd wait until this morning. Now I see that in the light of day, PMT has recanted of his "wicked, wicked ways"....well, at least for a few hours.
BTW, you mentioned that we could all "Original Post", is there a special way to go about doing that? Not that I have anything to say, but who knows when a light could go on.
Here's something that might be worth commenting on. Do crossword puzzlers, as a group, "despise being wrong"? I don't think anybody enjoys being wrong, but maybe "despise" is too strong a word. Usually when being wrong is pointed out, in a non-judgmental and hopefully helpful way, I would think most people would appreciate it. Maybe that is the case only when other onlookers aren't around. Being called to task in front of a group can be embarrassing...if you let it.
Even more interesting, why do some people seem to really enjoy pointing out the errors of others?
Quick check in between Dr. Appt and Lucysitting.
CA raised a good point about being wrong. I can't say that I like being wrong, but often am, and find nowadays that it is easier to admit the wrong and try and correct it. I don't think that I would appreciate constantly being called out on the blog becuase often times there isn't a black or white answer and things are subjective.
I do, on the other had like to occasionally "zing" someone for an ill thought out or especially "didn't get it comment".
I also thought it wasn't well done of who ever spoiled Dennis' fun with the Mensa words...really had to bite my fingers on that one...
Well...everything is good and since I am switching medication I get have a bunch of tests...simple stuff, blood test and a bone density test to see how thick my skull is...
Catch y'all later...
Just a quick look in. Yes I hate being wrong. But it happens so often I've pretty much gotten used to it.
Too bad I missed the big PMT faux pas. I love those feet of clay.
My apology. It is not fair that you missed out on my little faux pas. After all, you are entitled to the same right as the rest of us to go FucK Yourself!
Just lost a long response right before I sent it. Screw Iphone. I'm going to bed, try again tomorrow.
PMT: What the lost post said, among other things, is that "Fuck Yourself" would not play on the Iphone. The message was:" this movie does not support Iphone", although I'm sure that it's the reverse that's true. At any rate, I'm still blissfully in the dark.
WH, I don't understand that because it is just a YouTube clip. It should work, but I just checked and I get the same message on my iPhone. Looks like I was wrong. I guess you don't have the same right as everyone else to go fuck yourself. What is America coming to?
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