The next time you think that this whole push to shift the center of the financial world to Washington is not just another 'Overseas Contingency Operation', ask yourself: Isn't everywhere overseas? And just why are they hiding all that $#@! from the 911 survivors? There is some seriously sinister business going on and if you think the reality of things bears any resemblance to the picture painted by Brian Williams on the Nightly (so-called) News ... you are naive, to say the least. Hey, don't blame me. I voted for the black woman.
OK, I'll step into the traces. Remember what I said a while back about not learning anything new until I forgot something? Another reason is that a lot of what I already know pisses me off. But maybe just one more thing would be OK.
I signed up when I received your invitation, but nothing I see when I log on looks any different than before. If I want to kick things off some day, rather than wait for our three- hours- behind friends to pour a glass or you to come in out of the balmy Florida sunshine, what do I do? Remember that I don't get out much, so to speak.
If you look at the main page, you should see a link in the upper right corner that reads, 'Sign In'. Once you've signed in, it will take you to your 'Dashboard'. On your Dashboard will be a blue button labeled 'New Post'. If you click that and then create a new post, it will show up at the top of the NextWordCorner front page.
Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
Hey Windhover and PMT, it does work. I just tried a New Post and it set me right up to make a new main page entry. Then I thought to myself, what would I say? I haven't been feeling ventish lately so it would just be....."Hey, it does work". Too lame, even for me.
I was glad to see all of the posts yesterday. I'm learning, even though there is no guarantee I won't forget by next week. I seem to do more forgetting than learning nowadays.
I have to admit that I've been woefully ignorant about Wall Street, the banking industry and the Fortune 500. Until a year ago, I didn't know what a sub-prime mortgage was, and I'm still not sure of a "derivative's market". Fred and I are cash buyers. Children of "Depressionites", we save before buying (imagine that!) and don't have a mortgage, car loans or credit card debt. Maybe if we had more of a stake, we would have been paying more attention.
I was interested in PMT's heading for this post. I'm not saying a 9-11 government conspiracy is impossible, but I have serious doubts. It is interesting how "it is well documented" is used without actually documenting anything. Documenting something doesn't mean it is true. Conspiracies theories are a dime a dozen and can be manufactured out of the flimsiest cloth.
Look at the guy who convinced a huge number of people that Obama was a front for Bin Laden and the Islamic Jihad.
I'm a child of the 50's and personally lived through a family crisis because of Senator McCarthy's communist conspiracy theories.
Perhaps I'm wishful thinking. Who would want to live in a country that is so evil, that would plan for decades for that eventuality and would allow such evil to succeed? That's not saying we haven't had an irresponsible and criminal group of men (sorry Condi, you don't count) in charge. On the other hand, I don't believe in God, in spite of hundreds of years of "well documented proof" so I'll reserve judgment on the 9-11 conspiracy.
Fred is having a poker party this evening and I'll be headed to chorus practice, so I'll have to leave off thinking for a while and make some chili-cheese dip for "the boys".
Okay...this is for WH...I had a mural meeting today and so I am breaking my 5 o'clock wine rule and having an early 4 pm glass. Then, I still have to gesso a 50" x 66" canvas and that will take some time.
First, I have to say that I still haven't read the link yet, but will, most definitely. So I don't know how my thoughts coincide with the info it contains.
I do like conspiracy theories as it is fun to follow through the logic/illogic behind them. I have some specific thoughts about 9-11 that I have added to and altered as I get more information.
I DO believe in the absolute evil of the minions of the previous administration. These people honed their skills over years, learning from their previou mistakes, and finally found the right wing God-fearing-alcohol and drug-brain dead patsy to front their cause...Cheney is the true evil and I think that they knew a lot more than they are making public. It will be a long, arduous task over many years to even begin to ferret out what exactly was known.
To begin with...the DUB admin had already divided up Iraq and alloted oil producing areas to their oil buddies. Halliburton was already starting construction on the Compound that would later house US Military...these are facts. This all happened right after(or possibly before) Bush took office. I think they knew that they had enough control over things that the odds were pretty good that he was going to be "elected"...that in itself is another whole story. They really needed something to give them the freedom to gut the country and take over oil rights in Iraq, and I don't think they ever had any intention of going after Ben Laden, since they let him slip into Pakistan unhindered and they apparently had good intel on where he was at the time and most likely could have caught him.
Daddy Bush put Saddam into power and baby Bush was taking him down.
Bush was briefed on his Texas ranch that something was up or in the air about an attack on the US. The CIA came to the ranch just days before 9-11 to inform him that something was about to happen...it isn't yet clear how much actual detail was known or imparted...but he basically told the CIA agent who came to brief him, "Thanks, and now you've covered your ass".
So the questions to ask are: 1 Did they have any specifics and was the CIA involved in any of the training of the leaders...?2) Did they see a possible terrorist attack as the opening they needed to start the war in Iraq...a couple of odd things...The primary leader of the groups was well-educated and working for a degree in a European country...he behaved like he was planning for a future life...he also didn't really fit the profile of most terrorists who are pulled from the poorest of countries and from groups of the un-or undereducated. He was also Saudi, as were most of the hijackers...unusual as most of the terrorists were taken from countries other than Saudi Arabia..and they were supposed to be our allies. Another curiousity...how did they know exactly who each of the hijackers were within 24 hrs of the hijackings, especially if they had phony passports(remember the mix-up with the Egyptian guy whose identity had been stollen and he was still in Egypt?)
Another curiosity...how come no one involved in the pilot training programs with these guys found it odd that take off and landing wasn't a priority...wouldn't you question this? And all these flight training people stepped forward very quickly to identify the hijackers.
Another curiosity...if you were going to fly airplanes into the Trade Towers to make a point, wouldn't you wait until the workday had started? 10's of thousands more people would have normally been in those buildings in a few hours...so why did the hijackers start so early? Was someone in control trying to minimize the damage...was something else planned for and these guys had alternate plans...did anyone REALLY know that the Towers would collapse like that...maybe they thought there would just be a fire and people could get out...did a paln go awry or was it more cataclismic than they expected?
Interestingly, a friend who lived outside of New York and usually commuted into the city for work, said that hours before the hijackings that many of the trains into NYC were not running, the same with some bus lines...again...coincidence or damage control?
See why this interests me so much. IT was basically the green light to allow Cheney to do whatever he damn pleased. There was a recent news story about ery trusted and well respected reporter who is
writing a book about Cheney...a couple of weeks ago he let slip that he had information that Cheney had secret "hit" squads that operated outside the CIA
and that they routinely executed supposed terrorists in hidden locations, partly as a way to elicit info from other suspected terrorists...I also have huge issues with the fact that no one has yet hauled these assholes up on war crimes. I know that a couple of international groups are working on it, but the Justice Department needs to appoint a Special Council to prosecute. Basically, they have all admitted to most of the Treaty breaking and torturing, etc and Cheney sits there with a smirk and dares the Obama people to come after him...I'm waitin'...Basically, many of the Bush people could be arrested if they left the country. A groupl of Canadian lawyers were pushing for his arrest a few weeks ago.
OKay...got off topic...
I think I'll rest for now...sorry about the typos, but if I try to correct them, the cursor gobbles up everyhing in front of it...I hate when it does that!
TTFN...Maybe back later.
"Basically, many of the Bush people could be arrested if they left the country"
Hell ... that already happened... the fleeing the country part, at least. Did you hear about Karl ('Turd Blossom') Rove fleeing the country last summer? Google it!
Furthermore, this $#@! is nothing new. That ugly f#@! Kissinger has been under indictment in Chile for a long time now.
"the odds were pretty good that he was going to be "elected"."
Odds pretty good? How about 'done deal'? Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum?
The candidates are all thoroughly vetted and the meager choices offered to the ignorant masses are just that ... 'meager'. A country of 300+ million cannot find more than 2 viable candidates?
Obama is currently asking the public to define who is actually rich ....
The "powers that be" have long owned, and continue to own the TWO (count 'em ... '2') political parities (sic) in this country. We are screwed and unless we are willing to fight tanks (ala Tienamen Square), we are likely doomed.
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