Just click the picture for a little 'Sunshine On Your Pillow'. I know it's all warm and mushy and $#@! But, what the hay? I gotta do something to redeem myself after the other night's indiscretions. After all, presumably Elissa's watching and I, for one, have had enough run-ins with Navy lawyers (If, in fact, you are reading this, Elissa, please don't take that the wrong way. You are as welcome here as anyone. In fact, I plan to read your book ... just as soon as Dennis and I can settle on a price.)
If anyone listens to the song and finds that they are actually interested in the words that Mr. Collins is uttering, then please click here for the lyrics. It is a damned shame that he has lost his hearing. He really shined for a while.
PMT, Nice video. I have like Phil Collins for a long time. We are all getting older...too bad Phil has had to give up so much of his music due to hearing loss.
I like mushy stuff. If it's not Sunshine On Your Pillow, it is Sunshine On Your Shoulder....Yes! I said it and I'm glad...I like John Denver. Well, maybe Sunshine On Your Shoulder is going a little far, but I do like a lot of his stuff and he did have a lovely pure singing voice.
I was really pleased to see Buckeye show up. You must have added him as an author. He seems to be having a problem reading posts. Maybe you can help him "get through".
As a boy, I loved John Denver. I had a vinyl LP of his that had the track 'The Box'. That song contained a powerful recitative that evoked images of Pandora's Box, which was, of course, its inspiration.
I am sorry to say that I could not find a video of him performing that wonderful piece. I did find this peace, though. I hope you enjoy it. He was a wonderful guy that truly went out in style (I should be so lucky as to burn one and then fly off into the setting sun).
Morning...just...Okay...I'll fess up, I still have all my John Denver records and my Beatles records and a bunch of other weird stuff...Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass and Donovan and Bill Cosby comedy records. Just can't quite bear to part with them. I was thinking of getting one of those old fashioned radios that have the record player and a CD burner, but our son-in-law's mom gave us an "extra" one that they had after she got one with the CD burner...DRAT! Now I haven't an excuse to get another at the moment. I am hoping that this mural project will free up the cash flow and allow such a purchase. At least, in the meantime, I can again listen to the records...oh yeah...and Surrealistic Pillow...I was really "with it" in college. Somewhere along the line I lost all the "with". I have no clue anymore.
PMT...I also did my good deed for the day and forwarded your blogsite to Elissa...so you will most likely see her soon.
Just wanted to put something else out there re the religion discussion and Bible books and Korans and Torahs...a little blurb in Time Magazine: " An Isreal biblical scholar claims that the Essenes, the 1st century Jewish community commonly believed to have written the Dead Sea Scrolls, may never have existed. Rachel Elior contends the the story of the virtue of the Esssnes was fabricated by a former priest as a "rebuttal to anti-Semitic literature" of the time. The Scrolls, she says, may have been written by members of a priestly caste banished from Jerusalem in the 2nd century B.C."
You get what I'm saying here about what you can actually believe and that whole "gospel truth" thing.
OK...now I will go post on the Mao post...then I REALLY have to go paint.
PMT: I got the link from Wolfmom and popped in. Not sure how often I'll visit, since my computer is already too much of a time suck. Don't worry, I like it when people are afraid of me. I built a whole successful in-house counsel career based on my ability to intimidate.
I hope you read and enjoy my novel and I'll look forward to any feedback, but cut a girl a break and buy your own copy. I'm counting on the royalty to defray the cost of my next Starbucks latte.
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