I am kind of bummed. I had begun typing what turned out to be a rather lengthy post addressing Mr. Wendell Berry's essay "The Burden of the Gospels" and , wouldn't you know it we had a power surge and I lost it. I cannot say that I am surprised. Although I have developed a pretty good habit of composing messages for BBS, blogs, etc. using notepad and saving frequently, in this case I had not done so. Not long after we moved here it became apparent that brief power surges were common in this neck of the woods. Rich, having just moved down from NYC declared that this was part of the third world. He may be right, in more ways than one. As for me, I just add Florida Power and Light to the long list of mega companies that I despise. That's all I am going to say about that lest this post turn into one loooooong rant.
ClearAyes, I thought of you when I got the email about this concert. Are you familiar with Mariza?
WH, It occurred to me last night that I didn't even have an icon for NextWordCorner on my iPhone. I do now. I even managed to expand the image of 'Hotstuff' to make it my icon. :) The iPhone handles Blogger sites well. I seldom make use of it for Internet stuff (other than email), so I sometimes forget how user friendly it is in that regard. I am afraid I tend to tend to focus on the fact that the browser isn't Flash compatible, which belies Apple's claim of being so cool and hip.
PMT, I hadn't heard of Mariza until I went to Ramana Viera's concert. Every time I mentioned it, someone would ask me if I knew of Ana Moura or Mariza. I've become a fan, although it would help if I understood even one word of Portuguese.
iPhone show-offy person!! I have no idea what you are talking about.
Busy day today. Spent the morning making a Print Shop booklet for our newly departed friend's "party" in a couple of weeks. His wife is throwing a party at the local Gold Rush era saloon and asked me to help her. It should be much nicer than a funeral or memorial service. Plenty of tri-tip, BBQ beans, salad, beer and wine and if anybody is moved to get up and say something nice about the deceased, that is all the better.
Then, art class this afternoon. My project for the day, a stretch of beach with a picket fence and shadows didn't turn out particularly well. But that is good too. I was getting a swelled head from compliments about how good I was doing. I've been brought back to earth!
Good Evening...Sorry I've been AWOL all day...wasn't sure which part to post on and since CA started here I thought I would stop in and say Hi.
First off, Lovely photo again...I just love those European cities! On the Butte Montana plane crash...awful, but bizarre on a couple of points...One, obviously the graveyard proximity and two...it was just a single engine plane that was flying from Calif to take kids skiing in Montana and the pilot changed landing plans at the last minute. Now really, why would you fly to Montana when there are any number of closer and much better ski areas, especially in a single engine prop plane????What crazy people put their children on that plane???Wouldn't have been me, I can tell you that!
Just wanted to let you know that My meeting up with Elissa turned into 2 1/2 hrs of absolute hilarity...she is definitely a pistol!!! We had such a good time and laughed so much. It was lovely today and we sat outside and just talked about all kinds of things and shared stories...what a stellar day. I am going to email her the link to this blog so she may check in...she had a sense of the same moral majority posts and was interested in the fact that this was a kind of open forum for thoughts and ideas.
Don't have anything else really interesting to share today, but I did think that Linda was quite funny all day in the alternate universe. It will be fun to see how many others come back out of the woodwork with these new puzzles. By the end of the week it may take me too long to complete the puzzles...will just have to see.
CA...don't let one off day set you back. Use it as a learning experience to discover what doesn't work and then the next one will be easier. Pastels are actually pretty demanding. I put them right up there with watercolors as a couple of the most difficult mediums to work with, not nearly as forgiving as acrylics and oils. I only use watercolors for color indications in a sketch, and only if necessary. I used to do a few things in pastel years ago but haven't touched them in years...so pat yourself on the back anyway.
Take care all...maybe I just had such a great day that I don't need a soapbox today.
Cheers, WM
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