Fort Pierce-area artists celebrated
March 29th, 2009
The story of the Highwaymen seems improbable. The spark that ignited this celebrated African-American art movement was provided by A.E. "Beanie" Backus, a middle-aged white man and scion of a prominent Fort Pierce family. Alfred Hair, the Highwaymen's leading figure, was gunned down in a bar age 30. And most of the artists lacked formal training, let alone access to the established art market.
Yet, through their industriousness and entrepreneurial spirit, the Highwaymen were able to make considerable money peddling their paintings — often from the trunks of their cars as they traveled through Central Florida towns — at a time when employment options for black men and women were largely limited. (more)
WOW...just WOW...I might have to get that book...what an interesting article and that painting is so essential and stunning...What a lovely Sunday morning surprise...
That is a really vibrant painting. I have never heard of any of the Highwaymen artists. That is exactly what I was talking about when I said I want to be BOLDER!
Since Fred won't be home until Tuesday, I have some time on my hands. (Can't you tell by how much blog posting I've been doing:o)?) I'm working on another pastel. I'll take a photo when I'm finished.
Our little town is having its annual rodeo today. We have attended in the past, but since I don't want to go alone, AND even though it is billed as an "humane" rodeo, I'm not that big a fan. I'll just stick around the house and enjoy the day.
That reminds me about the disadvantages in life, at least here in the U.S., of being alone. I'll think about it and post a new thread later.
Also thinking about humane treatment of animals....another possible thread.
There is a website dedicated to the Highwaymen and their paintings.
It is http://floridahighwaymen.com/
I just spent a very pleasant half hour or so looking through The Highwaymen site that PMT linked. It was a perfect example of how we can discover new and interesting things via this blog. I never would have heard of them otherwise. Thanks, PMT.
I have been busy today finishing up my VERY shadowy pastel drawing. For good, or for bad, it has a kind of renaissance-y look. I'm going to print out a page of The Highwaymen paintings to remind me to go brighter and bolder.
All this artistic stuff is exhausting. I need a plate of homemade lasagna and a glass...or more...of wine. No, the lasagna isn't mine. A friend knew Fred was out of town and that I wouldn't bother doing a lot of cooking for myself, so she brought over some lasagna for dinner tonight. Maybe being alone does have advantages.
Have a great evening.
Well, all righty! This has been a most interesting day...blast from the past...30+ years water under the bridge for 4 old friends. I left here at 12:30 and got back home about about 9:30(a half hour driving each way)...What a complete and absolutely total kick!!! We were so goofy in high school but it was very interesting to see the young women in the older. Astoundingly, 3 of us live in the Bay Area and the 4th is planning to move back to CA's neck of the woods in a year. They have all turned into such interesting people, and we exchanged business cards, email addresses, home addresses and phone #'s.
Just took a bit of time to cruise through the other corner and check here. It is almost 10:30 now and so this will have to be for tomorrow if anyone is checking.
PMT...I still have to re-read your post...haven't reread the email yet. Also need to spend a bit more time with the Highwaymen...also you you grog and blog quite well, I wine you tonite :o)A toast to our host...you are such a clever fellow!
CA...I just love the new drawing...definitely a Rennaissance feeling...the melons are luscious, I can almost taste them...I am just a bit iffy on the greenery on the jug...doesn't quite hang there logically. The rest is stellar! Glad to hear you are connected with Jerry's...
If I could make attachments, I would send you a Wayne Thiebaud pastel...just pure colors lined up next to each other. If you are open to ideas...and I am offering this without knowing what you are drawing on...try some colored strathmore papers and let the paper color become part of the art. Also, something to play around with...take something simple, and orange or banana or something from around the house, a couple of tubes of lipstick, or tubes of paint or even your pastels...things like that. Set the items on a sheet of light paper in a spot with strong sunlight. Look at the light, look at the shadows and look at the light reflected on the object. Try doing the drawing without blending, line the colors up next to each other, just pure solid color. Don't use black or brown...regardless of what you think you are looking at and consider the color wheel and play with using opposites to outline the object...say for instance you are using and orange...how many colors are there? Orange, but maybe reds or yellows around the sunlit edge. Now look at the shadows and reflected light from the paper to the orange...what do see? Maybe pale blues or violets? remember that they complement the orange and make it jump off the page...some strong patches of light...perhaps lemon yellow or cream or even white(I'm drawing in my head here)...just remember that you are going through a learning process here and not to make something so precious that you can't chuck it and start again...maybe a few smaller studies of common objects...I might dig around my art supplies and see if I still have some pastels and play around a bit...that, at least I can photograph and post...You have an extraordinary eye for both color and form...and you are progressing quickly in your skill. Take a leap of faith and rely on your ability to draw and make the color pure...So far, of what you have posted, the pommegranate comes closses to perfect cause the light is so striking and beautiful...it makes me want to grab the pommegranete off the page...if you decide to play around with this, let me know how it goes...Isn't it nice to have such lovely friends? It frees you up to make lovely things...please keep drawing...you are really quite talented.
WH...fire up that iPod and dust off your fingers...I miss you dearie! Waiting for more of your thoughtful posts...hug the Irish for us.
CA...here are the Swirly Cakes...the good news...I have some in the fridge from our visit yesterday!!! Num Num Num :o)
Also...PMT, I join CA in thanking you again for introducing us to so many great new things...you are of prodigious intellect.
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