I did this as a starting point for Thursday...anything goes.
The heading is the title of the painting. Salisbury Cathedral on Salisbury Plain with Stonehenge...hence the title. It also an uncropped photo...sorry.
Made it large so you could see details...
CA...please post more of your lovely work.
PMT...it's your blog, so change or remove if you wish. I just thought that it is easier to have a starting point for each day to avoid confusion and this is "toot my horn" day...hope you like it. Now I have to go do more of that. WM
Couple of things today...
First, I realized yesterday when I had to have the computer off that I was twitchy about checking blogs...bad sign.
Second, until we get more memory for the computer(it is on order) I have got to stop paying so much attention to all this...major time suck.I am losing oodles of time just waiting for the computer to load and move from place to place.
This isn't a rant or a hissy fit(at least I don't think so), just some things that are starting to bug me about myself.
Today on the blog I did 3 different things by way of information/instruction and then others had to come on and restate what I had just said...
I also just checked back at the other corner and they are still on that #69 thing which is just getting childish.
I also seem to be the only one trying to keep this going, and that is because I really enjoyed "conversing" with such friendly and intelligent strangers...but this is PMT's blog and he created it and now, perhaps we have exhausted our need to be here.I will leave it up to him and others for now.
Possibly, it is because I have more down time available to me I got way too involved with the whole blogging/discussion thing.
I really lost my focus over the last 5 months dealing with my mom and her problems, was almost totally unable to paint, and was just starting to surface and breathe again and now I need to step away from the plate...I will check in periodically to see if anything is happening and join in when there is something to say...
"First let me just say (in order to get it out of the way) that the #69 thing isn't really hurting anyone. Not only is nobody obliged to help with it, all are free to ignore it altogether. I have helped Jeannie reach her, admittedly, superficial objective, as I have Lemonade. There has been no harm done. I would not have offered my assistance in the matter had I felt pressured due to post limitations. I would surely have saved my posts for something more in-depth had something more in-depth (and pertinent to the prior dialogue) been in the offering. 'Nuff said about that.
I do understand the time suck thing. I think we all feel it. I said a few days ago that I felt that it would be good to try to give this blog some structure by offering a daily entry. That being said, I am a bit perplexed as to why you, WM, offered a Thursday entry so late in the evening of ... Thursday.
It is clear that people enjoyed your post about colors.
It is also good that you are beefing up your RAM. That is the easiest and cheapest way to boost your computer's performance. Hard drives are quite cheap these days two. Another way to seriously boost performance is to buy a decent internal hard drive and get a separate external housing for it that connects via USB. The reason for that is to back up your entire system and then run a full defragmentation of your hard drive. It is possible that your hard drive has enough free space to allow you to run a defrag, but it is still a good idea to get another drive ... if only for backup purposes. In my case, I have six HDs and they are all pretty much maxed. That kind of complicates matters. Some might advise me to wipe them all and set up a nice little RAID array, but that's not going to happen. If you need any computer hardware recommendations please feel free to let me know.
"I also seem to be the only one trying to keep this going"
Rest assured, you are not the only one trying to keep this thing going. But it's ok. Take a break if you need to, but if you don't need to ... don't. Post to your heart's content. That was the idea all along :)
I have no idea what your post has to do with 'old time religion', but I am curious about your favoritism regarding Edward de Vere having been the actual author of the Shakespearean works. Have you read Nicholas de Vere's The Dragon Legacy"?
WM, don't give up either here or there. I do tend to agree that getting "twitchy about checking blogs" can be a danger sign. But I particularly like this blog for the same reasons you do.
I love your painting of Salisbury Cathedral and Stonehenge. You can't get any further back to Old Time (Tyme?) Religion than that. Your unusual perspective really fascinates me. I have a tendency to want to be too exact in my drawing. I haven't had that many lessons, but I keep on trying for "just like real life". At the same time, I'm thinking, "Bigger....bolder". Our next semester is going to be a foray into oil painting. I'm a little intimidated, but ready to give it a try.
About the corner; I agree that it can be annoying when somebody wants to put their own spin on what you just said. I don't think there is anything to be done to stop it. Some people don't read the previous posts very thoroughly. Once in a while a new explanation helps with the clarity of an idea. (Although your explanation of the color spectrum was absolutely adequate.)
The "69" thing is silly, but harmless. I just stop posting early enough to let those who care get to that point.
Maybe you should limit yourself to, say, two or three posts a day on each blog. That is some advice I should take myself.
I have to apologize to PMT. I got caught up in the Palestinian girl suicide bomber documentary last night and didn't get back to Oil & Smoke. But I will, hopefully tomorrow. I really am interested to hear/see what they have to say.
I am enjoying my mini-vacation from marriage, while Fred is visiting his mother. I love my husband, but it is a treat to have the house to myself....I didn't make the bed this morning and I had two oranges and a slice of left-over chicken for dinner. I wouldn't want to live alone over the long haul, but this is a luxury for me.
Let me know what you think of my pomegranate.
I still think Shakespeare is Shakespeare!
11:35 pm...Maybe I was just in a pissy mood...the computer really has been a pain in the A$$. I am hoping that after the mural project that I can invest in a new hard drive with mega memory. I have a peripheral(is that the term?) to save my files...I don't keep that much, but my photos, paintings and some documents need to be backed up...it just means another tech book to read or get our son-in-law or younger daughter over to help the technically challenged old folks.
Before anything else...CA I am so impressed with what you are doing...you have a most excellent eye for color. I think that any painting/drawing teacher would tell you to stick with reality and representing what you see to begin with. Once you understand shapes and light sources you can move beyond it. I have a YouTube interview with Wayne Thiebaud(my absolute favorite artist) and I will see if I can send it to you. He makes some very astutue comments about making art. You must definitely keep this up. I see very good things for you as you go along.
You might ask your teacher if you could use acrylics for a couple of reasons...first they have less odor, are less toxic and have much less fiddling around with varnishes. They also have the plus of being quite a bit less expensive. Oils have a very luscious buttery quality but you need to invest in good quality to get halfway decent results...there is a lot of mixing and fiddling with varnish/medium/oil and dryer mixtures to take into account, plus trasporting wet paintings can be a pain. Oils actually continue to dry over a number of years and varnishing can be problematic...some of the varninshing I did back in college had gone horribly bad and I just chuked the paintings. Acrylics dry very quickly, which I like because I can paint fast...and varnishing can be done within days as opposed to years...anyway...just a thought.
The current overview paintings are the result of a progression of paintings wher I kept altering the viewpoint...still very much a work in progress...I was also working on the idea of painting the same object(s) from multiple viewpoints, but only have 2 of those so far and the photos haven't been cropped...I might post one tomorrwo afternoon.
PMT...If it is actually ok with you, then I might occasionally start the blog...I was just beginning to feel that I might be overstepping my bounds as you are the Blog Host, so to speak. I will just have to work on creating a better schedule for myself...like I say, I really got out of my work mode for a number of months...
I will definitely go into the Edward de Vere tomorrow...probably late afternoon. I have to take my mom to the Dr and shopping...that will most likely mean that I will be in the mood for an early glass of wine.
The OLD TIME RELIGION was the title of the painting. It came to me after I realized what I had done...my original thought was the Cathedral/Salisbury Plain?Stonehenge, because the are all located in the same general area...when I was about halfway through, I noticed that both were representative of old forms of religion...sometimes I just surprise myself...maybe it is just a subconcious thing.
I have't read your book, but will check into it before tomorrow also...Now it is nighty nite time...catch you later.
A pissy mood, huh. You have those, too?
Time suck? As we say here in the bible belt, absohfuckin'lutely. But worth it. I think we all feel that, and I for one have been feeling a little addiction coming on. The other corner is a kind of guilty pleasure, and that type of addiction requires resistance, and maybe treatment. But this blog feels very much like a refuge, and while that also may be addictive, it is a necessity of sorts.
Here's a suggestion. We need to manage our participation here differently than there. Here, there is no real need to respond to every post immediately, if at all. We here are of one mind only in the sense that we have very quickly coalesced around an idea of expressing ourselves as individuals to a few other people who have responded to us. It's telling that while PMT's original invitation (still appearing on the front page,I think) was open, so far only the four of us have gravitated over. There may well be lurkers, but they haven't (so far) been moved to come out.
I've mentioned several times that I feel as though I'm stealing time from myself posting and reading here. I will not quit until there is no one here. But I will not post, as has happened over there, for superficial reasons. I may not respond to everything, but I will be reading and thinking about your words and interests and especially your rants.
Wolfmom, I have told you that I have no artistic ability, and I know nothing about art. But I need it in my life. I have been to the Louvre, and was moved by the experience. But seeing your work and then getting a glimpse inside your head here means a great deal more to me than any museum experience. I need more of both.
ClearAyes, your presence here is as necessary as air. You have only hinted (well, that revelation a couple of days ago surpassed hinting) at the breadth of life experience you carry. You're only a couple of years older than me, which at this stage of our lives means nothing. So many people our age have retreated into some shell-like existence that is fear -based. Life is for living!
I'm watching time go down the worm hole again, but I've got to once again thank our benignly- neglective overseer (like herding cats, huh?) PMT. If you had not taken the initiative to set up this alternative universe, the other three of us would still be internally cursing the inanities of what Noah and "Hasuse" really looked like and whether certain DFettes really do like head or if smoke is the only thing they blow. I confess that as a young old man, I'm still susceptible to a come-on, even an anonymous one from a thousand miles away. But as the doormouse, channeled by Grace, said, I need to feed my head. When I no longer want either, I'm ready for the long dirt nap.
If I'm channeling PMT correctly, what Wolfmom is doing with her originating of posts is exactly what he intended.
Bottom line (I hate that phrase), we have a good thing going, let's nurture it.
I'll close with a quote:
Let us stop talking falsely now,
The hour is getting late.
Windhover, hopefully
By all means feel free to start new subjects/posts. WH is correct, that is the reason I made you guys all 'Authors' of this blog.
While I had decided a while back to try to make a new post every morning, I later decided that it is not necessary. I will post whenever I see fit, but only if I have something to say. I will not post in the morning just to start a new post for the day. Of course, if you feel like making a 'starting post' for the day then knock yourself out. However, you want to consider whether doing so is making the blog more difficult to follow. I will not tell anyone what they may or may not post and I will not remove anyone else's posts. If anyone cares to remove there own posts they are free to do so. However, please keep this in mind: If you remove an initial post (such as the one with your 'Old Time Religion' picture), any comments that are attached to that post will also be deleted, so I would advise against doing that. While it is not possible to go back and edit a comment that you have made, it is possible to edit your original posts. So there should be no need to ever delete one of them. If you don't like or regret something that you wrote in an original post, just go to the 'Edit Posts' feature on your Dashboard, find the post and edit it to your liking. That way you will avoid deleting other people posts that are attached to it in the Comments Section.
I did look at your 'Old Time Religion' painting, but when I was typing my previous comment I kind of forgot about it, since it doesn't show up on the comments page. I had started writing that comment at night and then, the next morning when I finished, the painting had slipped my mind. That was when I found myself wondering why you gave your post the title you did. Sorry about that.
I will be visiting Stonehenge during the final part of my trip in June. After we get of the cruise ship in Dover, we are going to spend an additional week in London. I am going to take the old notebook with me so that I can try to make at least one daily post to the this blog. I hope to include whichever picture was the best one I took that day. No doubt on the day we go to Salisbury, I will be posting a picture of either the cathedral or Stonehenge. In contrast, it might be a picture of a sexy blond guy in Stockholm ;)
FYI, the first person to visit this blog was Argyle followed by Kazie.
Wolfmom I am puzzled by your comment regarding the childish 69th post. If I remember correctly you specifically told me Monday to go add a post to Sunday as it was sitting there at 68. You seem kind of two faced to me now. That is not a trait I find attractive in person. Same goes for you Promiseme.
What did I say? I have been helping you get to number sixty-nine. Go back and read my reply to WM. I said it was all in good fun and that it wasn't hurting anyone. If you are upset because I said it was 'superficial', then I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. You gotta admit there really isn't any purpose to doing it other than to just have a little pointless fun. The fact is, given C.C.'s remark to you about it, it appears that I was mistaken. She apparently doesn't feel it is harmless since she gets all of the emails in her inbox and prefers that people only post if they have something meaningful to say. In any case, I like you Jeannie and I am sorry for, inadvertently, hurting your feelings.
Can you back pedal anymore? You can keep your apology.
I think it is pretty clear from my initial reply to WM's post that I was coming to your defense. If you don't care to go back and read my reply to her and try to see it in that light, then I don't know what else to say.
This is for Jeannie...I am not going to backpeddle but I think that PMT's post and C.C.'s brought out the point that I was trying to make...people were posting randomly or not posting because they were afraid to steal your thunder...it is actually a mark of respect for you that they were encouraging and supporting the sillines. I actually posted additional non-comments to help get Lemonade to the #100...because I felt badly about about inadvertantly posting on that number, and even though I started typing at somewhere around 96...when I posted. Voila! 100!
I think that your new idea about things that happened on each day is stellar. I also think that people will begin to help you toward that number now because they want to see what you are posting. That way way it becomes something of value.
I only thought it childish because the only focus was getting to that number and the joke was wearing thin...now it has purpose!
I would also welcome you here and hope you come back soon to post...we are very random and pretty much everything is open for discussion. I also applaud the fact that you called me out on what you percieved as a slight...childish on my part...a glove across the face and pistols at dawn. Just so you understand that I find most of your posts quite clever and honest and very refreshing.
Now it is time to move on.
Comeon Wolfmom let's be honest. You find my sense of humor offensive and anything I say not even worthy of even answering to. Sorry that I am considered "good looking". It's a cross I have had to bare most of my life. Bottom line, you disrespected me and made me look like a fool. I hate that when it happens.
Jeannie...I'm glad for you that you are pretty...I didn't direspect you and I am too f***ing old for this to have a damn bit of importance to me...buck up chicky and grow up.
I tried to be honest and tried to be nice...
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