Time to start a new entry.
Windhover mentioned a subject that is another of my "What the @#%* are they thinking" pet peeves. Well, it is more than a peeve, it comes close to horror...not quite, but close.
Psalm 127, 3-5
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man;
so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:
they shall not be ashamed,
but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Many of us have seen the ultimate example of a Quiverfull family on TLC with the show 18 and Counting, starring the fruitful Duggar Family
My peeve isn't so much with the Duggars, or others of their viewpoint, although the notion of raising as many little evangelical Christians as possible, so that they might take over the world is not something I am comfortable with. But that is on another level than my gripe here. What really bothers me now is that TLC has the Duggar show, plus two or three other "isn't having a huge number of children wonderful" shows. With the state of the world where it is now, running short of resources, I don't understand how any television network could promote these shows with a clear conscience. Well, of course I have answered my own question. There is no conscience involved, only money. TLC presents these families as charming and wholesome, just the way we all want our families to be. They get money from advertisers and pay the families, what I assume is a nice chunk of change, for appearing on their shows. The money paid to the Duggars enables them to go on having as many little conservative anti-evolution, anti-feminism, evangelicals as Momma's uterus can nurture. In the case of Jon and Kate Plus 8, it allows Daddy to get a hair transplant and Mommy to get a tummy tuck. So irresponsible.
On track,posting on the current entry, no matter what the subject.
Thanks WH, for further information about your ex-BIL. I can understand a little bit more. With the vast majority of people with talent, their egos take the lead. I guess I had questions because I've never met any mentally stable person who deliberately turned their back on professional AND monetary success and the perqs that go with it. Sounds like a very unusual guy.
Just a good ole country boy, then and now, who knew who he was and what he wanted.
There is one last post on the last thread, then to the top, as per your wishes.
PMT...re art post...quickly. I think that we are all, again, on the same page. I can't say that I have any real disagreements with anything you have to say...same page and all that.
Yo' to everyone this am...WH I am SO sorry for blowing you off the post, especially unintentionally...:o( Apparently the evil, treehugger strikes again...WHAHAHAHA(evil laugh)
I have some thoughts on the new post...but it will have to wait until wine time, as previously mentioned.
Ciao for niao...WM
PMT...I just re-read the art post and if you had used propaganda instead of crude, it could have been an entirely different discussion, which, BTW I don't think is entirely over unless you want it to be...still some very interesting things on the propaganda vs. art.
RE: today's Quiver Full...Yes, I agree that in this day and age when people should be looking to only replace themselves or less, quiversful of children is senseless and selfish, especially in developed countries where pretty much all your children will reach adulthood.
In "olden" days when the infant mortality rate was high, it was obviously a hedge against having someone live long enough to inherit your stuff...in rural areas it produced farm hands and help around the house and again, a hedge against the loss of at least a few.
I also agree that subsidizing this kind of behavior is abhorrent...I am sure that is the primary motivation for Octomom and she is now, apparently, getting her wish...so much for that issue.
I also have a very difficult time with so many of these very underdeveloped countries where starvation is a way of life...double-edged sword along with a lack of education on reproduction, old beliefs or religious issues. How could any mother want to give birth to child that she knew stood a 90% chance of starving to death within the first year of life??? I don't think they care less and I do really believe that if they had the information or access to forms of birth control and if their religion or beliefs would allow it...they would not choose that path.
I also find the pernicious re-growth of the Taleban and their medieval set of beliefs exceedingly scary for the women of those countries...more babies to raise in hatred. There are a few sort of sub issues on the treatment of women and their procreative rights which is in and of itself an entirely different issue...maybe a later discussion.
I can still understand that in rural areas of many countries, having a larger(than 2) family could still be important. It is very difficult to accept large families in urban and suburban areas because we are maxing out our resources and I quite frankly wonder what our granddaughter's future holds.
I was, I guess, lucky to grow up in that entirely innocent and happy post war age. It isn't that the horrible things weren't happening back then, but we were blissfully unaware because the world wide instant communication that we now have was unavailable. Hence, ignorance can be bliss...
Unfortunately, there will always be people who have those large families just because they can...I had a friend who was only in labor for 1 hour with her first child...she also belonged to a religion that encouraged very large families(not Catholic) and you can guess how that went...way too easy...nothing to make you think twice about the next one. I had 2 children and I would definitely NOT do that ever again...even if I could!
Close for now and maybe we can have an ADM discussion some day soon...now that really gets me all het up...I think they are #1 on my really bad( read shite) corporation list...my list of grievences against them is as long as Santa's world wide gift list...GRRRRR :o(
Don't leave me hangin' out here alone guys...WH...I promise to go hug a tree and not post for awhile...it's so cool, I am developing an alter ego...paint-slatherin' anarchist...evil, right wing tree hugger...WOOT! Love you guys...all the things I wanted to be when I grew up...Oh yeah...AND I can cook!
I triedmightily to look at some Roy Atkinson Fox prints today. I viewed several, but as nice as they appear, a 2 x 3 screen just doesn't get the job done. I'll be waiting for your revelation. My Percheron horses are greys, which at about the age of eight go white. If I see a landscape print with a white horse in it, it's mine. I usually pay anywhere from a dollar up to about $20. As you can see, I am a very sophisticated collector. My problem is I literally have no wall space. When the 500 sq. Ft. Addition is complete I hope to get some of them up. Anyway tell me about your interest in RAF.
Also, I just remembered something I said in the "lost" post the other night. It was that I have fresh asparagus 40 ft. From my back door. I would love to provide it for your recipe, but there's that 900 mile gap.
To all:
In keeping with my duties as resident shiite-stirrer, when the blood pressure comes down from the Quiverfull knock-up, try Googling "Christian Exodus".
Windhover, just waiting on a friend.
PS: got to tell you this. As PMT knows, the tiny keyboard in the Iphone will often "suggest" a word in place of the word you have typed. If you do not reject the suggestion, it will make the substitution. I was about to hit Publish when I noticed that it had replaced "waiting" in my closing with "eating". Damn, that was close. WH
Okay, let's start with my day which included "choosing" not to go to work today. BTW not tomorrow either as I have two sick days to burn by June 1st or lose them. A quick call to the marina sealed the deal. ICE IS OFF THE LAKE and they are starting to put in docks and "un-sink" bouys. Tomorrow I am going to borrow a neighbors power washer and re-paint the anti-foul paint on the bottom of Lolita. I went into town today for lunch and cocktails and ended up running into my friend with the horses. Turned out he needed help to breed one again...and there I was holding her reins while watching her baby watch her breed. I am not going to go into details, but WOW.
Every Atkinson Fox print I have has a common thread...very daunting and meaningful to me. There is always a path to follow. Look again, you'll see it now. I try to follow a path, and sometimes it goes to nowhere but at least I try to follow a path.
I also own a picture I have no idea who the artist is but it is my favorite. I call it "Lady waiting by the Lake". WF someday when I get the technology; ie: digital camera, I will send it to you to discern.
WH...sure...that's your story and your stickin' to it...waiting...
I hope I posted on the right page. I get confused.
Jeannie: There is no wrong page, but for weeks we've been trying to figure out how to keep from confusing ourselves and each other. Just post on the most recent thread whether it's on topic or not. I've been trying to remember how many comments are on each thread so I don't have to look in if there are no new comments.
But just to be certain I left you one on the previous thread again. I think there are 13 there. Post wherever you want to. I'll find it.
Why are you confused? And what about? I'll hang here a while, but got to go to bed soon. Went to the damn dentist again today. Think I'm making his car payment this month.
If you don't post again, I'll check early AM.
No one out there or am I on the wrong page....blonde and confused.
clarification? OOPS spelled that right...clairificatchion**
No mean posts tomorrow. Just trying to be funny and fishing for someone to yak to. LONELY tonight. And no, I don't want to get into WHY.
Jeannie, Right posting page. We are trying to post on the most current page regardless of the subject. Here is the R.A.F. site that I think we have all looked at. WH is right, the prints are so small it is difficult to see a common thread. You're going to have to let us in on it.
Good luck WH getting "Me and Dixie" for $20 or less.
Don't get me going on Christian Exodus. I am stilled riled up about the Quiverfull....as I see WM is too. I may have to develop an evil alter-ego too.
WM,, Yes! Yes! Yes! and Yes! You are right on with all counts.
I saw a PBS documentary the other night about the Taliban taking over an area in Northern Pakistan. The girls' schools are closed, no birth control is allowed. All the boys are being indoctrinated into "suicide bomber" mentality.
Sorry, but no chatting tonight. I made a huge mistake by taking some Claratin (loratadine) antihistamine for my new found allegeries. NOW, I have an outbreak of hives. I've been itching and miserable all day. I heading to bed and hoping to feel better tomorrow.
Larry, just confused how to post on this site. Okay....another thing. How can a guy that was hired AFTER me, in a comprable position afford to have two kids, a house and pay for a brand new truck WITHOUT his wife working? I think I need to grow a DICK.
Yes, but then you would just have another damn thing to keep happy and well fed. Believe me, it's worse than owning a boat when it "comes" to maintenance. Finding one to rent once in a while would be easier than having your own.
Larry, you don't think I have to keep "her" happy and well fed? COMEON....the point I am making is why should this asskisser make more money than me. And before you question that...yes he does. I don't want to disclose how I know it but I do. I've been there 4 years longer than him. Like I said comparable jobs. If anything, I do more as I do all the accounting for our boss as well as I am so "well versed" on spreadsheet applications. Give me a break.
I worked for IBM for 10 years before I started farming. After I went broke and back to college, I worked at the University for seven years to pay off this pile of rocks I call "my farm". Asskissers are universal, everywhere you go you trip over them. And the boss always likes them better. We are both where we are because while we might kiss some ass, it won't be the bosses' and it won't be for money. But I know that doesn't make it any easier to take, and all I can say is I'm sorry. I saw your post about the path. I couldn't see it in the pictures, but I see it in my head.
I've got more.
Larry, you just sounded like you felt sorry for me...don't. I have been beat, but not broken. Yes, I have scars...don't we all? Sometimes mine come out on my sleeve, and I don't mean for them to. You are an intuitive man. Question for you, as you will be honest with me. How the hell do you know that? Clearayes has alluded that to me as well as an e-mail buddy I have never met in person. Is it the picture, the prose? What?
Hey, hon, the picture is a winner. I'm trying to figure out how to put one up so you all "know" who you're talking to. I'm not exactly sure what it is I "know" about you. It's true that I know something I don't quite understand. My way with words sometimes fails me, but I'll try to say what I feel. I can tell that you are a trusting person , because I am a trusting person. I tend to trust people until they prove to me they can't be trusted. And trusting people get hurt, as you know.
It's after one here, I get up at six. I'll wait for you to have the last word tonight. But like I said, Ive got more.
High AND Dry.
See...I never know where the hell to post....WH, high and dry WTF??? I was in bed at 2-7'ish this am. I am still not sure I am on the right website page.
Lost in
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