PMT...I'm not trying to take over the blog, but just wanted to post a new place to start. I am not "allowed" to turn on the computer tomorrow because Bill is worried about this worm thing and I never downloaded the patch for the computer...as things are going, until I can get the extra memory card/chip/whatever...I am a bit leery of downloading anything else...so you all are on your own tomorrow...
I am hoping that by this next weekend we can fix stuff in the computer...Bill seems to think if we can get through the next day or so it might be ok...this thing has been on the loose for awhile and I really don't think that home computers are terribly at risk...but I'm going along with this for now.
Maybe Windhover will regale us with some more Wendell Berry-ism...looking forward to this.
Lovely day to you all...WM
I was just reading about this woman who, while attending the funeral of her mother, met a man she did not know. She was so enchanted by him that she never thought to inquire as to his reason for attending her mother's funeral. She decided that he was her dream partner and fell in love with him on the spot. She was so enthralled that she never asked for his number and, subsequently, was unable to locate him.
A few days later she killed her sister.
Go figure!
Figuring, in vain.
I'm with Windhover... will be back at wine time...painting time now.
Okay...to avoid the gorgon turning me into stone...here are 2 possibilities:
#1 The woman finds out that her sister has had a sex-change operation and has become the man that she meets at the funeral, which would explain what "he" is doing at the funeral and also why she feels such an affinity to "him"
Possibility #2 (less likely) She hasn't seen her sister for years and when she finally goes to see her, she discovers that the man she is attracted to is the sister's husband, so she kills the sister to have the husband.
I like the first explanation the best...now I REALLY have to go paint...PMT you make me crazy!!! You know I have to figure this stuff out! This is so Greek tagedy...
Should I give this away? All I will say is that Wolfmom doesn't have it....yet, so she will have to continue going crazy. The only hint I will give is "ships that pass in the night". PMT will see the wispy connection, but if you don't already know the answer it will just make it more aggravating.
I have a lot of time on my hands today and for a few days more. Fred has headed to So CA to visit with his mother. His sister and her husband are taking a well deserved few days vacation and 90 year old mom can't stay alone. She is in pretty good health, but nobody feels comfortable with her being on her own for five days. So Fred will be cooking (Jeeze, I hope they will be OK! He does many things well, but cooking isn't one of them.) for them and spending some quality time with his mom. I'm here with the dog. A very nice mini-vacation for me too!...I did tell you I like alone time.
Now I'm heading over to PMT's latest headline and see what is going on there.
Should I be worried about you (I will assume that you know what I mean by that)?
For those still trying to figure out my puzzle:
Let's just say that it is a test. It is a rather peculiar test in that the only way you pass is if you fail.
Confused yet?
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