Tue Apr 7, 2009 4:04pm EDT
By Jane Sutton
MIAMI (Reuters) - Health workers violated medical ethics when they helped interrogate terrorism suspects who were tortured at secret CIA prisons overseas, the International Committee of the Red Cross said.
The medical workers, thought to be doctors and psychologists, monitored prisoners while they were mistreated at CIA prisons and advised interrogators whether to continue, adjust or halt the abuse, the ICRC said in a report based on interviews with 14 prisoners in 2007.
One prisoner alleged that medical personnel monitored his blood oxygen levels while he was subjected to waterboarding, a simulated drowning designed to induce panic and widely considered to be torture, the ICRC said.
Other prisoners said that as they stood shackled with their arms chained above their heads, a doctor regularly measured the swelling in their legs and signaled when they should be allowed to sit down.
The ICRC interviewed 14 men who had been held in secret CIA prisons overseas before being sent to the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2006.
The 14 are considered by the United States to be "high-value" al Qaeda suspects who plotted or carried out mass murders, including the September 11 attacks and the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings. They had been held by the CIA, most for more than three years, in extreme isolation and had not been allowed contact with each other when the ICRC interviewed them at Guantanamo in November 2007.
The ICRC said their claims had credence because they gave similar accounts of their treatment, including the actions of medical monitors whose names they never learned.
The ICRC monitors compliance with the Geneva Conventions governing the treatment of war captives and keeps its reports secret, sharing them only with the detaining government.
The report, written in 2007, was posted on the New York Review of Books website on Monday night by journalist Mark Danner, who has not said publicly how he obtained it.
He first published excerpts last month, including a portion in which the ICRC concluded the al Qaeda captives' treatment in the CIA prisons "constituted torture" and violated international law.
The report alleges collars were placed around some prisoners' necks and used to slam their heads against the walls, and that they were forced to stand with their arms shackled above them for two or three days and left to urinate or defecate on themselves.
The prisoners told the ICRC they were beaten and kicked, left naked for long periods, subjected to sleep deprivation, loud music, cold temperatures, rape threats and forced shaving. Some said they were denied solid food unless they cooperated with interrogators and one said he was confined in a crouching position in a box too short to stand in.
A previously undisclosed portion of the report concluded that medical workers who monitored or took part in the interrogations had violated their ethical duty to do no harm, preserve dignity and act in patients' best interest.
The ICRC said "any interrogation process that requires a health professional to either pronounce on the subject's fitness to withstand such a procedure, or which requires a health professional to monitor the actual procedure, must have inherent health risks." [full article]
You're trying to lure me back in aren't you? You sure used the right bait. Seriously, if there was any justice our former leaders would be in the dock.
I worked outside most of the day, still cleaning up from the January ice storm. My winter muscles are aching. But as one of my favorite "Far Side" cartoons said, "It's a good kind of hurt."
Do you think CC's comment to me this AM meant "no puzzle, no blog"? I sensed a little acid there.
I'm waiting to read comments in the art wars. I have opinions, but they have basis in experience. (Sort of like most American's political and religious views.) so I'll just listen and (try to) learn.
Windhover, tentatively.
Make that : NO basis in experience.
Windhover, red faced.
Hmmm, I am totally weirded out. I posted a few comments here a little earlier his evening, talking a little about art, torture and teasing PMT about his ultra long post around the corner. My post totally disappeared. Not that it was so clever,amusing, or deep, but it is annoying to have that happen. I don't make copies of my posts. I'm not that vain, so it is too late to recall any gems I might have dropped. Do we have gremlins messing around with us? Can anybody else remove a post, PMT?
Why did you delete your post?
When I was composing my initial post for around the corner today, one of the first things I was going to say was that: "While I could answer your questions regarding 'tacking' and 'close hauling', C.C., I will forego doing so since I know that Jeannie will be very happy to have the opportunity."
Naturally, I was disappointed to see A.R.E. deprive you of that opportunity. As for that other guy, later on ... perhaps he felt I gave him licence to make that long-winded post with my long one last night. However, as I said in my response to Razzberry, "I was being succinct. I was just doing it repeatedly." That Rantor guy was just going on and on about the same subject which, while of interest to you and me, likely bored most others.
This is what I created this blog for. Had he known, he might have come over here to elaborate upon the finer points of sailing.
I can remove any post, but have never and will never remove anyone's but my own. I suspect that you typed it up and then selected Preview. After seeing it in Preview, you may have then been under the impression that what you were seeing was the actual post. You may have thought that you had already hit the post button ... when, in fact, you had not.
Computer glitches are always a possibility but, no, I don't think there are any Gremlins out there. I also have no idea if you or the other Authors have the ability to remove posts that are not yours. I kind of doubt it, though. I suppose I should create a dummy account and give it author status to find out, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
I have the same problem (on my iPhone) viewing YouTube videos that are embedded in web pages or are linked to in web pages. You can always use the actual YouTube app on the iPhone to pull the video up, if you know the name of it.
Why no comment on CA's post regarding art? Are you still having computer troubles? If so, I would suggest that you run through the regimen that I suggested around the corner last week when everyone was so worried about that worm. If you don't remember what I advised, I can remind you. It probably won't be until at least Sunday, though. I have another South Florida Jazz concert tomorrow night and, consequently, I will be a bit scarce tomorrow. Try my Gmail account again.
Now, if you all will excuse me, I have a hockey game to watch.
PMT, I occasionally do have mini-glitches with my computer, so who knows what might have happened.
If I had tried to leave without publishing, I would have had an "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page. You have unsaved changes." alert.
At any rate, I had just encouraged WH to post his own arty opinions. Just between friends, I thought your definition was a wee bit on the pedantic side.
Then I commented on your "Epistles to the Romans" post around the corner the other night. Yes I know what the Epistles really were, but I figured you were being "all things to all people".
Beside that I was sure you were just seeing how far you could take it. I was surprised to see the next day that C.C. gave you pretty much free rein, and just suggested that you split your posts up a little. Wow, you are the golden boy! :o)
Finally, a comment about the medics who aid in torture. Your report reminded me of the Nazi guards at the death camps who were "only doing their jobs". Have you seen the movie, "The Reader", a story about how a nice person doesn't see the horror of what they are doing. I would venture to guess that the medical personnel validated their actions by saying that their monitoring kept the prisoners from being more severely abused. Not much chance, but I agree with WH and the trials should start with Cheney.
I am sorry I came off as pedantic regarding how to differentiate 'high art' from propaganda. I was merely attempting to answer Lemonade's inquiry as to whether or not I liked the Mapplethorpe exhibit. Having answered 'yes', it was my hope that I could shed some light on the 'why?' of it. Given that it is easy to see why many would have a strongly negative visceral reaction to the Mapplethorpe exhibit, I thought it necessary to clarify that it is not how pretty a work is or whether one finds it aesthetically pleasing that determines the legitimacy of the work.
That being said, I was afraid that my 50¢ lecture might come across as high falutin'. That is why I followed it up with a shot at myself by asking, "Have I stolen Dennis' pompousness yet?"
Yes, of course, I am trying to lure you back. Come on back. We don't mind if you smell like Dolly :)
OK, you got me. You sure can tell when a guy is easy. As for Dolly, it's been raining here most of the day. Do you remember from your Montana youth what a wet sheep smells like?
Speaking of (rain), just a few minutes ago it was hailing the size of dimes. When it quits I need to check the tulips and the orchard. You explained the difference between high and low art. Does the same exist in nature? Both tulip blooms and apple blossoms are beautiful in their own way, but you can't eat tulips. I will admit though, that if I cut a half-dozen or so tulips and place them in a Mason jar where the Irish can "find" them, it often leads to the tricycle motor workshop, and everyone eats well. So I guess utility is also in the eye of the beholder. And that is probably my only word on "Art", at least until Wolfmom returns from entertaining guests and the three of you resume my (and the various lurkers) education.
Immediately putting the lie to my previous sentence, I remember well the controversies over Mapplethorpe and also the "Piss Christ" image. The bullwhip image remains a mystery to me, but I'm not particularly shocked by it. People have been fascinated with the rear orifice since the beginning of time, and not just sexually. I think that image will arouse some instinctive reaction in every person who views it, and often the real reaction is not the outward recoil, but remains misunderstood by the viewer, unless they make a focussed effort to know that inner feeling. I have not done so.
To me, The PC is similar to the Gandhi quote on the blog recently: " Christianity is a beautiful religion, it's a pity no one practices it." When Christians transform the Prince of Peace into the Warrior Jesus, as they have always done and as a recent movement seeks to do, they do worse than submerging that symbol; they are standing and pissing on Christ himself. They have turned a man (or a god if you will) who preached nothing but peace and love into a symbol of war and hate. It has always been a religion of blood and death, but it was His (and their) blood and death. It has become (and this is no recent development, see for example, the Crusades and the Inquisition) death to any non-believer and the blood of (see: "collateral damage") innocents. If there was a god, either they would kill him (again) or He would destroy them (again).
I feel better now. (I knew that I would. J. Brown)
"Do you remember from your Montana youth what a wet sheep smells like?"
Nope. Can't say as I do. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
"the tricycle motor workshop"
I am guessing that this is an actual place?
Jeannie, I was referring to the post that you made 'here'.
Just like with C.C. around the corner, they all go into my 'Inbox' over here.
Thanks much for the gift, I have not yet listened to it.
The tricycle motor workshop is a place where two people work together constructing a "motor" for a tricycle. Got it?
Windhover, industriously.
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