Good afternoon and evening...
I am posting this uncropped photo because I would like some critical input. It is a concept I came up with a few months back and have been sitting on it for a bit...I'm not sure if works, if it is boring or intriguing or bland. I often find that when I am away from an image for a while that I either really like it or feel somehow divorced from it...this is leaning toward the divorced, although I now think that I may have a better solution to the multiple image conept.
Appologies for the quality.
Blast away. If it s%*$s, then ok...
Possibly Shakespeare in the evening...
This is in answer to PMT's Edward de Vere...without going back a rereading several books, here it is off the top of my head...or off my head.
There are several interesting facts that point to Edward de Vere. One is the style of the writing and word usage. de Vere was highly educated and of noble birth, and writing plays, although a popular entertainment at the time, was just not the done thing amongst the priveledged class. So, if he had written the plays, he would have used another name or used someone to front for him. His life and age at the time of some of the later sonnets, where the speaker is talking of aging and growing old, fit more accurately than with the Stratford dude. Also this is a match up to trips he took to Italy and the preformances of several of the Italian plays.
One of the plays was performed for the first time in Elizabeth's court on the date of the celebration of his sister's(or niece's birthday). There are several people in his life who could have been the DARK LADY of the sonnets and possibly the most interesting is a record of household information from Burghley House where his , I think, uncle, Lord Burghley lived. In this document is a list written by Lord Burghley on how to live one's life...a list which follows almost word for word, the Neither a borrower nor a lender be...speech from Hamlet.
Another reason that makes it more likely that the plays were written by someone privy to the goings on of the court, is the fact that the plays are filled with information that would not have been readily available to the common man. The movie, Shakespeare in Love, goes a long way towards explaining that away...and I think it does a most excellent job of it.
The very funny thing about the Stratford Shakespeare is that almost nothing of any importance is known about him, plus the fact that there is absolutely no mention of the plays in his will. This could be explained away by the fact that he probably didn't actually have ownership of most of what was written. The Player's groups( King's Men) would have paid him to write them and would have most likely retained certain of those rights, although, it was probably very loose legally back then.
The plays were reprinted numerous times and some versions were more accurate than others, but it still remains, that there is NO body in the tomb in Stratford, the plays are never mentioned in his will, and the guy on the cover with the little goatee is a generic Elizabethan gentleman.There has been a portrait found just recently and they are making educated guesses that becuase of the age, it could possible be Shakespeare(but which one?)
I just think that it is a very interesting debate that will most probably never be solved. Bill Bryson just recently published a book about the Straford Shakespeare as part of a literary/history series and it is actually quite a fun read...he basically covers the few things that are pretty much fact and about how much we really still do not know and he attempts to debunk the other pretenders to the throne...IMHO...de Vere stands out as a very likely contender...
Now that I have bored everyone...I just love little detail-ly things like this and I fill my brain up with way too much of it...someday it will explode and I will truely know nothing, while lying around me in dissarray will be thousands of of bits of random information...
I am still looking forward to hear more from WH about his connections with Wendell Berry and I would love to hear more from CA on what is happening for her as she discovers her awesome talent.
PMT is still a bit of a mystery and though 3 of us have reached/passed our 6th decade(a real mystery how that happened!)I feel that PMT is not a youngster because the accumulation of knowledge is too vast, so I would be guessing in late 30's, early to mid 40's...a tantalizng glimpse of gelled curls...?
Just thinking about our relationships with others...parents, friends, friendly strangers...
Went to bat for my mom with her oncologist today to vote for quality of life over additional chemo. She is essentially cancer free and they wanted to dose her with up to 4 more months of oral chemo...when it got to the bottom line, there was no guarantee that it would change or improve future chances of the cancer coming back...so I wanted to ask ...why the extra chemo if, as you readily admit, there is no proof it improves anything and has a debilitating effect on the patient? Especially one who is 83 years old.
I went through this 2 1/2 years ago with breast cancer and never told my mother, who is the type that would have said "if you die, who will take care of me".The rest of the family know because there are daughters and I didn't think it fair to withold the information...
This is maybe by way of partly explaining why I get a bit antsy occasionally...I have practiced patience most of my life...get through this, get through that, and then 2 1/2 years ago I lost a job that was beginning to bore me becuase I was honest a spoke my mind and someone took offense(cheese people...sheesh!) I decided that it was as good a time as any to go back full circle to where I began and paint full time...My lovely husband had pulled down my easel(saved up in the garage rafters) from college, dusted it off and set it up and told me that he had the sunroom built because he thought it would make a great studio...it also serves as our dinner party venue...anyway, with in a week I had the breast cancer diagnosis and we moved through it together...it was early, I was old enough that it hadn't done much, and we caught it early...
I greet each day with joy and try to make it count...but sometimes...just sometimes I get impatient for things to happen...I kind of, in my impatient, pissy mood, took it out you, my friends...by way of explanation and appology...
We had a saying in my college art department...if you can't do it good, do it big...
A Bientot...mes amis WM
WM, I really like your food paintings. This particular one is intriguing. The background is such a delicious color, it looks like the cups and cupcakes are swimming in a pool of milk chocolate. The way the cups and cakes start off rather grounded in the bottom left corner, swirl around to the right of the painting and then float off the top edge is fun and funny. I hope that was one of your objectives.
I am enjoying drawing shadows and reflections, even more than the objects themselves, so I really noticed your shadows and the reflections on the cups and saucers.
I'm not a Shakespearean theorist, just an enjoyer (is that a word?) of his work. I wouldn't say that it is impossible for someone else to have written the plays and poetry, but as you said, the answer will probably not ever be known. As far as I know, nobody else ever claimed to have written them. If de Vere, or Bacon, or Marlowe had been the author, wouldn't they have told somebody, sometime about it? If there was any question about the authenticity of his work at the time, wouldn't the Elizabethan gossip mills been working overtime?
Your comment "there is NO body in the tomb in Stratford", got me going to Google. "Who is buried in Grant's tomb"...Oops, I meant,"Is Shakespeare's tomb empty?" I couldn't find any mention of an empty tomb and all sites point to the chancel of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon as the once and current grave.
I have relied pretty heavily on The Shakespeare Authorship Page. Yup, the point of view is slanted, but then, they all are.
CA... I am so glad that you are having fun with the shapes and light...light is very important as you will see in the Wayne Thiebaud video...I am really serious when I say that you have a talent that is finally emerging...keep at it lady! I can't wait to see more.
Yes, the painting was meant to be fun...I lost sight of how I wanted to paint food and was trying to find andother creative way to do it...maybe soon, you can have a website of your own awesome work...I applaud you for tossing it out out there...that is a tough thing to do, opening yourself for possible criticism...but look how great it turned out!Kepping a positive attitude when people are rejuecting you is often tough...I'm so glad that others saw and appreciated your talent too. Way to GO!!!!!
I just think that the Shakespeare thing is fun...it most likely is the guy from Stratford...Bryson did a darn good job of re-configuring my thoughts. There was a PBS special a few years back where they did all sorts of technological things with the tomb and realized that there was nothing in it...just symbolic. Ultimately I don't think it makes a darn bit of difference because we still have these fabulous plays! Isn't that ultimately what is important? But...wouldn't it be fun to REALLY know...?
Apparently I pissed Jeannie off...cyber-weird! So watch out...she's gunnin for me...
PMT, Just heard the news that the Iowa Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage. Who knew that Iowa is so forward thinking?
"We are firmly convinced the exclusion of gay and lesbian people from the institution of civil marriage does not substantially further any important governmental objective," the Supreme Court wrote."
"To issue any other decision, the justices said, "would be an abdication of our constitutional duty."
I was never more disturbed than about the recent Prop 8 in California, and am totally surprised and gratified that the court of Iowa is willing to take a stand on behalf of the rights of ALL citizens. Let's hear it for Iowa!
Changing the subject, WM has expressed a little understandable curiosity about you. Me too. How about a few (untraceable) details? We know you are 44 and have adorable curly hair. You seem to have a lot of personal time at your disposal. Are you retired? Or are you the filthy rich heir to a munitions manufacturer? A little nosy? Yes, but only in a friendly manner.
I went back and looked at the previous entry and found the comments you were talking about.
It is obvious that the four of us aren't the only ones here. That is fine and I would like to see more people jump in and express their opinions. The idea is that there isn't space around the corner to talk about some of the ideas that come up and need a little more "breathing room".
It doesn't matter if we agree on everything....We just disagreed about the ultimate authorship of Shakespeare's plays, but it is all in good humor and that makes it enjoyable and maybe a little educational.
I really don't think that it it's a good idea to be specific about people. Everyone won't agree with everything someone else has to say. If it isn't important in the grand scheme of things, I say, let it go. If we have something specific to say, there is always email. The issues are something different. For instance....today, a post was made referring to the "good" things Hitler did. I know the person didn't mean that Hitler was good, but the post was a little ambiguous. I posted a "stop there" note and a expanded post cleared up the opinion. If I felt that I wanted to expand on the horrors of Hitler, Nazism and anti-semitism, I would come here to do it.
Changing subjects, again.
WM, Good for you about your stance on quality of life. Both Fred and I have Living Wills and my daughter has copies of them. (Hopefully, that sappy woman can abide by them.) It is one thing to treat an illness that can be cured, it is quite another to stretch out existence for no other reason than that we can. I'm glad to hear that your mother is cancer-free.
We are learning interesting things here. I'm so happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell us your story about breast cancer. I have been so fortunately in that my health has been very good, but as you know that can change at any time. I don't know if the guys can understand, but breast cancer is SO personal, almost as if your body is attacking your femaleness.
Enough for tonight. I'll tell you all a little anecdote about my mother and quality of life tomorrow. Sleep well.
Jeannie...you got it! This is real and please don't take this the wrong way but I can understand and respect everything you just described...nobody on the Crossword blog thinks ill of you...you are very funny and obviously clever with words...you just maybe need to trust in yourself a bit more.
This blog is about expressing ideas and being honest about yourself and we don't ever make fun of anyone except maybe ourselves. You just blew us out the water and I would wish that you can join us...I know you probably won't believe me...but being quite a bit older than you I have been through a lot over the years...I worked retail forever and I also worked food shows for a number of years...I am not so very different, except that I haven't had quites as difficult a life as you appear to have had and you have most obviously become and amazing person...I have a very dry sense of humor and slightly twisted sense of the absurd and I felt that you were over reacting...apparently I touched a nerve and you just became very real.
Accept my appologies if I offended you for I would never wish ill or be intentionally mean to anyone...please do come back to this blog and share your thoughts with the people that post here. No one is judgemental and we are all free to speak our mind...just think about it...
Jeannie, I've tried to stay out of this. I've never said anything negative about your posts "around the corner". I did say the "69 posts were silly but harmless". I don't think that was out of line. I thought you were trying to be a little bit silly about it. I truly don't think that Wolfmom or PromiseMeThis were being disrespectful. That particular line just didn't appeal to them, although they saw no reason for you not to pursue it. No reason to take such offense.
We have talked a little bit in the past and that is why I have felt some empathy for you. Believe me, I know about hardship. I know about abusive relationships. I know about not having a dollar in my pocket to pay the bills. I didn't lose my daughter, but I stayed awake countless nights worrying about how I was going to pay for her next meal. AND, another thing you can believe, I may have passed that point now, but more than just having my ass pinched, I definitely know about bosses wanting to fuck me in exchange for a promise of a better job or better day off.
I didn't pave the way for anyone but myself. It is what you are doing too. Don't make the mistake of assuming that people are ridiculing you. It isn't the case. Most people will want to be your friend if you don't stand in their way.
CA...I sent you the Wayne Thiebaud link...
And, thanks...you are a very special lady, like I said class, through and through and a damn good artist to boot!
Hugs, WM
Maybe I am a little too sensitive. Maybe not. I have learned to put the "gloves" up, but I don't do it all that well. I have always been that person that "everyone" has to like. Clearayes you've heard that story before.
Another story...my best friend just lost her 42 year old brother to cancer. I've known Mary for 18 years and we've gone through thick and thin together. She flew to Dallas today to go to his funeral. Problem with Mare' is, yes I didn't type that wrong, I call her Mare' is, her Mom has to stay home as she is terminally ill with Lung cancer. Does Mare have enough on her plate or what? Eric was her Mom's golden boy and she is left behind without getting to say her final good-byes. The memorial is tomorrow. Question....I know Phyllis very well...she's having a friend stay with her, should I call her and offer my condolences?
Jeannie, I'm glad to see you have relaxed a little. Nobody here means you any harm. This blog is just a extension of what we have started to call "around the corner". Sometimes, it gets a little "egg-heady", but it just depends on what topic comes up. You and anyone else are welcome to join in the discussions.
About your friend "Mare's" mother Phyllis, you absolutely should call her. You both will probably cry. That's OK. Sad times require some tears. It is really sad that Phyllis is suffering from terminal cancer, but a call from someone close will hopefully ease her grief about her son and let her know that someone is thinking about her too. Be sure to call Mare when she get's home and let her know that she has been in your thoughts too.
It is getting late here and it is REALLY late where you are. Time to sign off for the night.
When I first came to C.C.'s blog I had no idea who anybody was or what was going on. I was able to discern that the most recent conversation was rather heated. It seemed to have to do with politics or religion or something .... I didn't know what. I decided to just jump right in feet first and tell it like it is for me. I said "For what it's worth, I think bible-thumpers are idiots, I am Pro-this, Anti-that and furthermore I am GAY!" I had no idea how anyone might react. I believe that you were the first one to say something encouraging and accepting in reply. After that, I always thought of you as one of my friends on the blog (there were others who I sensed were not). When you disappeared for a while, I waited for you to come back. When you didn't, I posted a message that I ended with, "Jeannie, where are you? Come back." I had no idea that you were busy with your food show or that you had such an important job. I learned all this upon your return to the XW blog. I also learned afterward that you like sailing. I live in the yachting capital of the world and I get to see plenty of opulent megayachts everyday, but I would trade any one of them for a pretty little sailboat. That's just me and, it seems like it's just you, too. Today, when I first saw that my Inbox showed that you had posted to NextWordCorner, I was excited. I thought, "Cool ... Jeannie has joined us." I was bothered all day after realizing that I had upset you.
Please believe me when I tell you that I meant you no harm.
"Question....I know Phyllis very well...she's having a friend stay with her, should I call her and offer my condolences?"
My instinctive answer was, "Yes! Of course you should." However, the fact that you ask makes me wonder what would possibly give you pause. I suppose you will just have to let your conscience be your guide.
Best Wishes
Jeannie...You have a good heart and that is important. I join with the others and encourage you to call. I lost my father 20 years ago to brain cancer. He was a charming man and very much loved by all of his students...one of the best things that happened was students coming to see him or comming to sing for him. especially in the last months.
It is going to be tough for you and like CA said, there will be tears...but you are obvioulsy a very strong person and she will appreciate that you cared enough to contact her. You have a lot on your plate right now and you can always come over here and vent...
Have a peaceful evening and hope you join in...we ARE a bit strange at times and we do tend to rant...sometimes a good thing. Take care...WM
damn, I leave for a few minutes and all hell breaks loose. Even though I haven't personally been called out, I am obviously culpable, and I am not going to duck and cover. First let me address Jeannie. I thought your 69 thing was funny as hell, and played with you for a few days. But when it got to be the only reason for a bunch of posts from me and others, I sensed it's time was over. Just before she cracked the whip on you, CC said to me that she was "disappointed" about my last post of the day, and my response was "no more numbers game for me". I planned to not say anything else but not participate. Then it blew up in all our faces, but especially yours. It's hard to express yourself when you are typing with one finger on a 2" screen but let me try to explain some things. I love women and I respect women. I know that as a man I can not really understand what our (and most other) culture does to women. I said when we were playing the other day that it was" 896 miles" from me to you. I thought later that that could be taken as stalking. The reason I know
The distance is because in the early nineties I had a three year long distance relationship with a great woman who lived at 990 Grand Ave in St Paul. The distance finally got us. Anyway, I think I understand what you mean when you
Call your looks a cross to bear. It's sort of like a guy with money ( something I can only imagine) who wonders if women only want him for the cash. I'm out of time right now, and I want to finish this later, but let me say that reading the interchange between you and WM and CA has only increased the respect I have for all of you. We will probably never meet, but it is a pleasure knowing you, and like I said yesterday, I love the play, and hope we can be friends on every subject. I'm really out of time. I'll try again in my feeble way to talk through this. Stay with us.
A few weeks ago C.C. posted something called "blog ettiquette". I apparently forgot one of those important elements. Don't grog and blog.
All the while I was thinking that Iowa was the 'Hawkeye State', turns out it's actually the 'brown-eye' state.
Whaaaaaaat ............. ?
What'd ya think I meant?
I'm only saying that just as some people have no ear for music, some people have no eye for painting. They mix their complimentary colors.
Butt seriously ...
I had not meant to suggest in my post around the corner that I believed Bacon to likely be the true Shakespeare. I simply found it surprising that he was left off your short list as there are many who champion him in that regard. I know who Edward de Vere was, that's why I was curious about your favoring him as the most likely Shakespeare. His decedent, Nicholas de Vere, makes a great many claims in his book, "The Dragon Legacy". I must confess that some of them are, in fact, deeply disturbing in that they could be used as cannon fodder for very dark purposes. One of his less disturbing claims is that the current monarchy of England, as well as most of the rest of the Royal Houses of Europe are fraudulent, that the Tudors were merely usurpers of the legitimate Plantagenet line (this claim, of course, is anything but new). In his book he writes of Elizabeth I, "She is known to have had two coronations, the first and most important of which was a pagan, "Fairy", coronation held in public on the Mayday prior to her church investiture as Queen of England. Following this event Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, staged the Windsor Stag Ride incident and killed the beast before the Queen as a gentle reminder of who the real Kings of England and the Greenwood were."
""... the Stratford dude ... very funny thing about (him) is that almost nothing of any importance is known about him"
Indeed. That is why the provenance of the works is so easily debatable. It is fairly easy to argue that he never existed. It might even make one wonder why a great religion hasn't sprung up around him.
"Now that I have bored everyone"
You have not bored me at all. Even the most boring person (not that you are anywhere withing those ranks) could never do so. While I understand the meaning of that word from a purely theoretical standpoint, I can honestly say that I have never experienced this seemingly odd phenomenon.
I'll bet you have visited the Globe Theater in Ashland, Oregon. Have you? I had a great time there once. I love Florida, but I have to admit that there is something about the expansiveness of the West that is in my blood. I particularly like the Pacific Northwest, which I define as stretching from the SF Bay Area to Desolation Sound, BC. Being a water sign, I guess it's the water that attracts me to it. The Pacific NW has that aforementioned expansiveness and yet, it is not dry like the rest of the West.
I am sorry to hear about your mother, WM. I applaud your opting for 'quality of life'. Personally, I would never go through all that slash, burn and poison treatment. If fasting and meditation can't get rid of then it's probably just my time. I am sorry to hear of your breast cancer. I hope you are in remission.
Regarding your painting 'Progressions', obviously you are attempting to capture the various angles of the cups/saucers and the cupcakes. While you seem to be able to do that, the fact that the light comes always from the east and that, therefore, the shadows always lie due west creates an unreal juxtaposition. The existence of the shadows draws ones attention to the table that the objects are sitting upon. Physics has it that such a table cannot exist. There is no real table that can allow those objects to all sit upon it in the varied ways in which they do. If this is deliberate then fine. However, if not then it might be better to try to convey the objects as being suspended in empty space, if that's possible. The other option would be to try to make the table surface shift along with the varying perspectives of the objects which rest upon it. Of course, you would only do that if 'impossible art' was your objective. Just my two cents.
PMT...thank you so much for the input...and yes it was very deliberate as in the altered landscapes. I do think your comment on the shadows is very astute, even considering what I was trying to do and I really like the suspended in space concept...will definitely have to do some sketches using that concept. What I am trying to do is that suspension of belief concept because what I am painting is not realisitc physically...I am currently working on a landscape where the corners of a the painting "peel" down to reveal a night sky. I guess I am hovering on the edges of surrealism...I do like a lot of the Magritte paintings. I am also trying to figure out how to twist the landscape much like you would do when wringing out a towel...that is still in the conceptual stage...I want the images to have a comfprtable familiarity,then mess with your head a bit...
I am still trying to figure out a different or better way to use the food in my paintings. My most favorite painter is Wayne Thiebaud and the scope of his genius is incredible. Still trying to find my way through things and to be honest in my approach to what I am doing. Gets frustrating sometimes, so all the constructive input like this is extremely valuable.
I will have to look a bit more into the de Vere thing...although I am sure that nay number of descendents from former royal houses could lay claim to any number of thrones...I have a bunch of fun little royal geneology books that I picked up on trips. Might go back and pull them out.
PMT...sorry, missed a couple of things...Yes, I have been to Ashland and the Shakespeare festival is awesome...We also have a quite good Shakespearean actor in the family...one of my sons-in-law. There is a terrific Shakespeare Co. called Shady Shakespeare because they perform under the redwoods up in the hills behind Saratoga...it is lovely and you can bring a picnic and wine and you sit in a glen by a creek, surrounded by fairy lights and it can be magical. Our daughter helped to found it years ago, but no longer participates. We have seen some performes that match the quality of Ashland. I have also been the RST in Stratford...same daughter and I spent the afternoon in the Shakespeare library. Needless to say she was a big fan and can still quote quite a bit from any number of plays...Her husband was also the director for The Importance of Being Earnest that I just saw...
THere is a terrific clip on you tube from the Scottish Play last year...I don't know if the curse follows if you are tying...anyway, you might be able to find it by typing in Shady Shakespeare/Macbeth...I will double check it...they did it all in a film noir style...and while I am mostly a traditionlist, it was seriously awesome!
And thank you, also, I am still really healthy and try to keep myself that way by eating healthy food and 2-3 mugs of Japanese green tea every day...so far it seems to be working, plus I haven't caught anything seasonal for at least 3 years or more...
Okay, tried again tonight to join in on your discussion. Got lost after the first three posts. I am not an artist. I don't sew, stictch, or crochet. I am a really good cook/chef should anyone need help in that area? I can also cypher really really good. Geez, I gradgiated past the sixth grade an all...
PMT, if you want this blog to grow you have to expand your horizons to all walks of life. It's the only way I am going to continue here on your blog, because I have nothing in common with these folks.
By the way, wolfmom, you owe me an apology. Don't give me the "oh what a great idea" shit thing about the 69 this day in history on C.C.'s blog. You dissed me right here. And no, I didn't know about this sight until I was "tuned" into it. I am still stung and disappointed by it all. I just do the crossword for fun. Now I have to end up defending myself. HHHMMMFFF. I have enough stress in my life to have to worry about this shit. Yep, before you ask, I worry about all kinds of shit. Just didn't want to add what was SUPPOSED to be fun to the list.
So you couldn't be bothered to read the first post I made on this thread? The one addressed specifically to you?
You do have plenty in common with those of us here, as WM made abundantly clear on C.C.'s blog early tonight. Yet you seem determined to believe that we were out to get you. You seem determined to want to focus on our differences. We have all attempted to apologize to you for something that we didn't even really do. WM, WH and I were all sincere in encouraging you to indulge in your #69 fun. Was it childish? Sure! Were we all doing it? Yes!
I will apologize no more ... certainly not to keep anyone here.
BTW, what does "I didn't know about this sight until I was "tuned" into it" mean? Is somebody pulling your strings?
Everyone here has attempted to be friendly with you and there is no reason for you to continue to be antagonistic to any of us.
I created this blog to be a place where anyone can come and speak their mind. As long as you care to come and do so, I will never tell you what to say or delete anything you post. However, bear in mind: If you want to come here and be mean spirited, you will either be ignored or be fed a dose of your own medicine. That's the way it works.
I would encourage you to go back and read some of what those of us have written to you.
PMT...Ta very much...and AMEN.
Please contact me, I need more info about the computer problems...your gmail is not working at present.
Hey Jeannie,
Stay cool. If you read back in time in
This blog, you'll find I don't have much in common withnthese people either, except I have opinions, which as we say here in flyover country are like assholes; everybodies got one. But here they listen to you. And as you've learned, sometimes they try so hard it seems like they're patronizing you. But "these people" care about ideas, yours and mine included. Listen darlin', I'm a damn dirt farmer. It may sound romantic sometimes, and sometimes it is, but when it rains I wade around in mud and shit feeding animals, and in the winter I freeze my ass off until I get back in to the wood stove. I literally live in one corner of a converted tobacco barn. I do not have electricity in my house, which is why my presence here is on an iPhone which I got four months ago. I got running water four years ago.
As far as education, I got a college degree 9 years ago, at the age of 54. Before that I was a dairy farmer ok a large farm I was struggling to pay for. When my first wife got here college degree in 1991, she decided she wasn't milling any more fucking cows, or ducking any more damn dairy farmer. There's a lot more , but I won't bore you.
I don't know shit about art. I just look and listen. I don't know shit about sailing either, but I'll listen. Hang around. Talk to us.
I'm not done yet. Guess I should have proofread the last post. Lot of typos, and I've only had three stouts. This damned keyboard is only 2", and I have big fingers. Short thumbs, though.
A few days ago over at CC's, one of the other old farts (you could be my daughter) said in some context that he loved you. As I recall, you responded very warmly (as opposed to hotly, which is how you usually come off there).Hell, jeannie, I love you too. What's not to love? You're good looking, you're smart, you're sassy as hell, and you love to be active outside (sailing) and apparently inside as well. Give yourself a chance. You and I will never meet. After the debacle of my life inthe previous post, I went off to a small college to keep from getting a job, and there I met a woman who resembles you in many ways, shacked up with her for many years, and married her three years ago on April Fools Day. She is the light and love of my late life. My goal is to be her hero. So my playing with you on the Internet is just that: play. I assume that it's the same with you. I'm not one these assholes that thinks that every young thing who smiles to be polite "wants me".
The beauty and the curse of the Internet is anonimity. Some use it to be very cruel. When this thing blew up, even though we here were in varying amounts guilty as charged, we could have just said "Fuck off". We didn't. We're better than that, anonymous or not.
PMT is now hot and bothered over the anonymous that gave us the finger yesterday. Who fucking cares? We all ( you too) sign our posts. With very little effort you can find my real name address and phone number. As that useless piece of shit GWB said bring it on.
Jeannie, you are not a quitter. Don't quit here. Over at CC's and here, be yourself. If I were you, I'd give up that this day in history shit ( it ain't you, or me) and just be Jeannie. Cool chick, good looking, smart, sail your boat up to the gate of hell and give 'em the finger Jeannie. I promise you this: we'll love you.
Windhover, trying hard.
Jeannie, I am coming back to this thread because it seems that the posting isn't over. I'm also going to copy it over to the Sunday's thread because I'm not sure where you will be reading.
First of all, when you said Sunday@1:02 AM "I can also cypher really really good. Geez, I gradgiated past the sixth grade an all", you seemed to be saying that you thought all the posters here were snobs. That is something that "makes me go Hmmm".
You also said that "I have nothing in common with these folks.". It isn't necessary that you share a lot in common with the other posters. The idea here is to talk about things that interest you. You are interested in sailing, cooking, music and I'm sure, many other topics. You've had some bad experiences in your life. You can share them here if you want to. The only thing you can't expect is to get positive feedback on every subject...or you may not get feedback at all. This is not a "quick back and forth banter" blog, but there is no limit on the length of a post and you can post however often you want.
You mentioned previously that you are the person whom "everyone" must like. If your gauge is for people to respond positively to everything you say/post, you will be disappointed here. If your gauge is for people to read what you have to say and respond honestly, then you'll be fine here.
I also have something to say about your post from Sunday @1:11 AM. "By the way, wolfmom, you owe me an apology. Don't give me the "oh what a great idea" shit thing about the 69 this day in history on C.C.'s blog. You dissed me right here.".
If you read Wolfmom's post at this heading from April 4 @1:12 AM, you will see "Accept my apologies if I offended you for I would never wish ill or be intentionally mean to anyone That IS a real and straightforward apology.
You continue with, "And no, I didn't know about this sight until I was "tuned" into it. I am still stung and disappointed by it all. I just do the crossword for fun. Now I have to end up defending myself. HHHMMMFFF. I have enough stress in my life to have to worry about this shit. Yep, before you ask, I worry about all kinds of shit. Just didn't want to add what was SUPPOSED to be fun to the list."
I think PromiseMeThis did some worrying of his own and lost some sleep because of it. If you read his post on this thread, April 4 @ 2:23 AM, you'll see that he was trying his best to be conciliatory to keep you from feeling that you had to worry or defend yourself. I don't know what else he could have said.
Finally, I think that whoever "tuned" you into this site was trying to make a problem where none should have existed. Please, think about it.
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