Where am I? Or maybe it is, where are you?
It is easy to get lost on this eclectic blog. Either everyone is posting all at once, or we get busy (or sleepy) in real life and don't show up for a while.
As to which thread or entry to post on, the easiest solution, and the one I'm going to use, is to just to post on the latest entry. Even if I am going to respond to a subject that was brought up a few days ago, I'll use the entry at the top of the page to have my say. So, when PMT makes another comment about "truth in art" (you know he will!), he won't go back to the original entry, he'll just post at the most current one, with maybe a reference to what he is expanding on or responding to. Then again maybe he will just post with a new heading and THAT one will become the most current. Are we confused yet?
Anyway, that seems to be the easiest way to keep current without bouncing back and forth between headings. If anybody is around, you can check in at the latest entry and maybe you'll get a response. But then again, maybe not, at least for a while.
I'm with CA on this...I have been scanning back through but prefer to post on whatever is current.
I had a thought last night about our crazy friend on the other corner...I may have sussed his alter ego...anyway its a creative thought...Years ago I used used to do PR work for a rather nice comedy club and we had some exceedingly talented people come through there...among them Brian Regan(one of my favorites), Wendy Liebman, Kathleen Madigan, Chaz Elsner, Bill Engvall and my most favorite politcal satirist and now friend...Will Durst(check out Burst of Durst on YouTube)...Any way, part of my job was to take everyone to Radio and TV dates that I had set up to publicize their visits. We always had to be in the city at dark o'clock and it was difficult for them after late night shows...they had a lot of down time and without a car, they spent a lot of time in their hotel room, reading and doing things on the computer. I thought that it would be interesting if our silly friend was actually some comedian who, to pass the time, started doing crossword puzzles, found our blog and has created this incredibly funny personna...Everyone that I had contact with were seriously intelligent people although many were shy and somewhat quiet when not on stage. It would perfectly explain this incredibly hilarious person that we all look forward to "seeing" every day. I, for one, am glad he is back with us more.
CA...love the photo...have a most excellent time with cousins!
Summer has hit temporarily for the next few days, and since I don't have to take mom grocery shopping today...the sunroom calls...Cheerio! :o)
STILL TRYING to figure it out...I can't believe I am the sencond one to post here today.
WF I had a "dry run" on my KY mom's fried chicken today as a friend who is slowly dying of cancer...another story as it is at bay; gave me HIS mom's deep cast iron skillet....top and all.
Winning recipe:
rub your chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. Let that sit for about an hour at room temp. Same seasonings in your flour. No wet batter here...
Pour in enough vegetable liquid shortening up to about 1/3 full in the skillet. Bring to a "spit boil". Meaning if you can "spit" in it and it sizzles, it's ready. Okay, you know I am USDA certified...so when I say spit...drop a couple of drops of water in it. Fry at least 6 minutes on the first side, turn and hit 'er again. Flip and repeat the process. In the meantime, pre-heat your oven to about 200 degrees to keep it warm as you are frying the batches out....
Just saw the picture...hoping I am on the right page as this is a "typical two-track" in the northern woods of MI. I have been down many of these before in my day. I can "smell" the ground. Thank you to whoever posted this. Who is the artist?
Hi Jeannie, This is the place to post for today...the most current entry. Like I said earlier, you may get a rapid reply and maybe not.
I can't stay on line tonight. I am right in the middle of preparing the white chicken chili for my cousin guests. I may be non-posting for a day or two.
We're having a terrific visit, so now I'm off to enjoy it some more.
WM, I emailed our "crazy friend" and invited him to stop by. We'll see.
Where am I? Well, I'm spending a few days in mini-hell. Hope to exit soon. It's periodic, maybe I'll get out before the devil knows I'm here. See you then. Dante had an easy passage.
BTW, for the absent, who is the crazy guy of whom you speak?
Windhover, through a glass darkly.
Windhover, I think CA would rather keep that quiet, but I think I might have a wild-assed guess. What is the periodic hell in your world?
NESS....follow the
I hope you are alright, WH. Were you able to see any of the videos that I linked?
Bill Engvall is okay. The youngest boy in his sitcom is from this neck of the woods. I personally find the older boy much more entertaining. I suppose it's just the lines they write for him. He plays a ditz, which can be endearing in a pretty young blond; not so much in a US President. That being said, I have only ever watched the show a few times. I cannot bring myself to devote myself to very many serials. I like hard dramas and I can appreciate a good sitcom, but they are few and far between. I loved Fraser, though. That show was a side splitter at times.
My favorite one of those guys from the Blue Collar Comedy circuit is Ron White. He cracks me up. I see he has a new special out. I should set the TIVO to record it.
What does "NESS....follow the" mean?
PMT, you would have to follow my path through the unknown way to post here to figure out the clue(s). Just my whimsical way of interperating your blog pathways and the picture - beautiful and haunting I might add...you might have to go back a couple of daze.
Just being Jeannie....learn to love the "sk cents of huumr".
WH (GBRV)...hope you are ok and only at the first level if you must be there at all, Dante would know...please let us know when things are better. Concerned.
PMT...Engvall was seriously hilarious during late night shows when he had a teensy bit too much tequilla and beer chasers...LMAO.THe most fun I ever had was with Brian Regan and Kathleen Madigan...off the cuff, of the moment funny people.
What? you don't like presidents that can't even read a teleprompter and think that most of our imports come from overseas????
Oh yeah...Hang 'em High...even more so than ever.
Jeannie...another yummy recipe...I never batter chicken...another good way is to let it sit in good buttermilk overnight...then dredge it in seasoned flour...yummy. Nowadays I do more roasting and BBQ-ing...I'm old and it's healthier...fried is a very sinful pleasure.
See ya! WM
Jeannie...WilderNESS...follow the pathway.
Be like the Emu and the Kangaroo and only walk forward and the pathway will become clear.Walking backwards gets you nowhere.
I am pretty sure I just left a heaty felt, meaningful post....I am not sure what happens here as it just disappears....I am too much in a funk to try to re-post. I didn't even give Lemonade his golf "terminology" today. I am bummed like Lemonade. I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I was off Thurs/Fri and I can pretty much promise you I will have over 140+ e-mails to decipher through.
CA, it just really rubbed me the wrong way today after coming back...You have admit, that 223 e-mails plus the other crap I take care of gets done. Yep, in this economy you might want to have your expense report forwarded on...just my thought. I know my "job" is important (somewhat) but can't figure why mine can't be covered in my absence.
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