Wow! Remember this? Talk about a blast from the past. Boy, those were the days. I just love nostalgia. Why can't we all just go back to yesterday? It was so much better then.
You'd better get your anarchist, paint-slatherin' booty back over here or else I'm gonna start dissun' ya around the corner. You just about took over this blog not too long ago and I, for one, miss you. You should know that I still have my eye out for that Abbaye de Belloc. Word has it that it keeps 'spooks' at bay. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. I can turn off the video surveillance cameras and indulge in a little 'Menage a Trois' while munching on the latest offering from those Pyrenees shepherd boys. Ahh, the life!
PMT and all...it is definitely nice to be missed! It's about 8:10 am and I got my sorry ass out of bed at 6 am to make a double batch of Cinnamon Rolls and prep salads for my part of our family "reunion" that we are staging for my cousin who hasn't ever seen most of the kids and grandchild...dough is rising and I have a few miniutes for a cuppa Joe before I have to get back to work
Went to SF Friday and had supper and Wine in the Ferry Building and then drove over to the Portrero area(by Pac Bell park)for a gallery opening to see two vinyl customs that my youngest daughter had designed(we are quite a talented family! ;o) ).
We have been wine-ing ourselves on a steady basis( a girl after my own heart!) so I am a still a bit fuzzy this morning. Just haven't had long periods to sit and read and type. I did manage 90% of yesterday's puzzle before I had to leave and am crusing through the Sunday NYT, much to my amazement.
You have definitely posted some interesting stuff and in a few days I will be back to blast your ass on the art thing(as you knew I would)...oh yeah...hang Cheney and Bush! :o)WM
Happy Nice Spring Day Everyone,
It looked like scanty pickin's around the corner. I guess many have been busy at church today. Fred and I had a happily simple day. He watched The Masters and I made his all time favorite dinner in honor of the Resurrection! Garlicky grilled lamb chops, rosemary red potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce and homemade apple sauce, not exactly cholesterol free, but we all have to go sometime.
WM, nice to have you drop back in. Fred and I are getting ready to do some cousin wining-and-dining ourselves. The retired Swedish ballet dancers are in Fairfield to settle an estate his sister left him. When all the legal stuff is tied up in a bow, we will have a chance to do some visiting. They are totally lovely people and have been so kind to us on our trips to Sweden, we really want to make them as comfortable as they have made us in the past.
I'm looking forward to seeing you spank PMT's butt about his "high art" opinions. Now, if you were one of those Pyranees shepherd boys, he might actually enjoy it. I called him "a wee bit pedantic" the other day. LOL....just a wee bit.
PMT, I do have to say, if you had used this, as an example of "crude art", I would have jumped right one that bandwagon! Thomas Kinkade is not just crude, his "art (ho ho ho)" is downright "icky".
WH, I found your post about my claim of ignorance. My lips are sealed, but it sounded like you have had at least one interesting "menage a something" experience.
BTW, I really loved the crossword answer today about "Ben Frankin's belief". We hear, all too often about how the United States was founded on Christian principles. Not so. Frankin was a deist, Jefferson was a freethinker and Adams was a Unitarian. So, Happy Easter everyone...it's a great day for marshmallow Peeps. I love 'em. Have a great evening.
So it sounds like you're saying Fred "Rose Again" and you cooked him a fine meal as a reward? Did I get that right? I used to be able to do that, but I never got a lamb chop. That would involve the supreme sacrifice for Dolly. As far as my previous comment goes, I was simply talking about my own resurrection experience, so you may unseal your lips. I will if you will.
Another thing we seem to have in common is those damn peeps. I'd be addicted if they were available year 'round.
I'll be glad when Wolfmom gets back. PMT is telling gay jokes again, and I heard she's going to kick his ass.
BTW, is Lent over now? If I could remember what I gave up I could start doing it again.
WH, Let's be frank here...if not here, where? As you already know, I was talking facetiously about the capital "R"esurrection but, yes, Fred and I sometimes meet up for a little friendly hanky-panky on Sunday mornings. I won't say every Sunday, because we have to keep some mystery going and there is nothing wrong with a little day of the week variety.
But you also have to keep in mind that the old geezer (I use that term most lovingly!) is 67 years old. ..all I will say on Fred's behalf is "Thank goodness for modern pharmaceuticals."
AND on my behalf, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"
We had a happy day and he enjoyed the lamb chops very much.
Your discretion and the underlying candor are refreshing and I hope gave the lurkers a little vicarious fuel for masturbatorical adventures. This 63 year old geezer also had a nice Sunday morning. Ditto your praise of big pharma. You're dodging the real question, though. What about those drug-fueled thirties? Yes or no; no further questions.
Windhover,(whose Email is in his profile) pruriently
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