Can you believe these fucking assholes? Incredible! I'd like to be able to email this clip to Obama while he's meeting with the Latin American leaders down in Trinidad this weekend. If these protesters love Mexico so much, why the hell don't they go back there? GRRRrrrrrrrrrrr
OK, now that I got that off my chest, here is what I was originally going to post:
"I have a top 40 ( which is probably in reality about a top 110) that spans 50 years, and I know who did it and who wrote it and what other bands they were in, ad nauseum."
I hear you there, man. When I was a teenager and first getting into jazz in a real way, I quickly became aware that in jazz, it wasn't about band like it was in rock and roll. Sure there were great jazz bands back in the day and there were a few during my teenage years, as there are now. But it was still markedly different. Over the remaining days of my secondary schooling, I turned myself onto so much great stuff just by picking up recordings by people I had never heard of simply because there was someone else playing on the album that I knew was a great musician. Case in point: The debut album by Spyro Gyra. Unbeknownst to me, these guys were monsters musicians. I only bought their LP because I saw that the Brecker Brothers were on it. While, granted, these guys were hired guns out of NYC, I still figured that anybody willing to pay triple-union-scale for their services must recognize their value and, more importantly, must actually need players of their caliber for the work at hand. Check out the Brecker Bros. playing Funky Sea, Funky Dew at the North Sea Jazz Festival. Be sure to read the comments. They are hilarious regarding bass player Neil Jason's garb. This was one tough jam. Be sure to check out part two, it's the real $#@!
WH, use the YouTube App on your iPhone to search for "Brecker Brothers - Funky Sea, Funky Dew (Part 1)". Afterward, search for Part 2.
"If you're 63, curious, and a decent memory, such as 564-3416, my high school girlfriend's #, I haven't seen her since 1973, you're going to have stories"
WH, should we be concerned about you?
Atkins had some serious chops (somewhat of an exception amongst the Nashville scene, Boots Randolph being another) Clapton and Hendrix are both vastly over-rated. Clapton, at least, has lived long enough to be afforded the opportunity to candidly admit that he was, ".... just trying to imitate BB King". I once burned a hooter on Jimi's grave with some friends ... shhhh!
"a Bourbon and water"
I once read something on a bar bathroom wall just south of Havre, MT that started, "You know you're in Montana when ..." One of the prerequisites was, "When someone orders a ditch."
A ditch is whiskey (most likely Bourbon) and water.
I guess I am sorry about your neighbor. But mostly I am sorry for you having to deal with that $#@!
I just had an epiphany: Rock and Roll is a well (or, not-so-well) conceived blend of polyphony and cacophony. Figure that one out!
"tiny keyboard in the iPhone will often "suggest" a word in place of the word you have typed. If you do not reject the suggestion, it will make the substitution."
Yes, it does and I think that it is designed backwards in that respect. You should have to tell it to make the substitution.
I tried to figure out a way to make this blog more manageable. My first thought was that it would be good to have a daily post that could provide some structure. I realized, though, that this was not like C.C's blog. Her blog has a 'de facto' structure to it. There is one LAT XW each day, she posts her comment regarding it and that is the only post for that day. All the others are 'comments'. When I created this blog I knew nothing about I conceived of it as a place where anybody from over there could come to elaborate upon any discussions that took place over there. I had hoped that this would be a totally open forum for those who wished to make use of it. Unfortunately, this is not like a 'threaded' BBS. On threaded bulletin board systems, topic can potentially be started by anyone and whichever topic gets the most recent response gets 'bumped' back to the top of the discussion list. The popular topics rise to the top, the unpopular ones fall out of sight. Due to the nature of the blogging format I am afraid I cannot offer a solution to the confusion problem other than to say what has already been said: Just post you message to one of the most current topics (quoting people, if necessary).
Oh, BTW, your recipe sounds delicious. I wonder, though, why hide the crumbled bacon? It seems to me that I would drape the poached eggs over the asparagus and then sprinkle on the the shredded Parmesan followed by the crumbled bacon.
Clear Ayes,
"I think the art discussion has pretty much been covered."
You said that and then went on to cover it some more ... this subject is never dead.
"If what you see soothes, amuses, provokes thought, makes you cry or makes you angry, then it IS art."
Precisely. Again, let me remind everyone that my response to Lemonade was not an attempt to define 'What is art?'
BTW, how are the hives?
Jeannie, the horse affair sounds enviable.
How do you re-paint Lolita's bottom? I assume you haul her and I'm sure you don't do it without her mast being stepped. Do you have someone to help you with that? I was on this boat for 11 days last April.
PMT, The flag incident happened in 2006. Some teenagers from two neighboring high schools were having a "march" to protest the proposed federal immigration bill. They invaded Montebello High, which was on "lockdown" at the time, and two students got carried away with their childish rebellion. Isn't that what being a teenager is about? Stupid kids do stupid things. Nobody was teenage Taliban bombers in that coddled group. That's a good thing.
Loved the Brecker Bros video. I can picture WN dressed like Neil Jason. I hope so anyway, right down to the bass.
Last are a sneaky one. I tried to kinda sorta get in the last one about art, but...your evil laugh is almost as good as WM's. I will be alert in the future.
I know next to nothing about boats. I leave that up to my sister and BIL. They spent several leisurely months a few years ago sailing to Florida from San Francisco, via the Panama Canal on their 37 ft. catamaran. Then they lived aboard a 60 ft trimaran while they tootled around the Caribbean and lived in Panama for a while. They now live on their third boat in San Diego. I haven't seen it, but think this one is about a 45 ft catamaran. I'll ask them for a photo and give you a look. BTW, I love Fred, but I can't imagine 24/7 on a boat for weeks at a time!
I gave up on the Claratin and have switched to Benadryl for the hives. I hope it works. We are having a houseful of cousins for the weekend...Swedish invasion and all that. I don't feel too bad, just itchy. What I look like is something I have just come off of a five day crying, puffy, blotchy...NOT attractive!
I'll try to check in this evening, but I have a lot of prep for our mini-reunion. Not so much for cooking, but fresh towels, new soap and shampoo, air out the pillows, etc. you know the drill for guests. Thank goodness for our big crockpot. Dinner tomorrow evening will be White Chicken Chili, green salad with roasted aparagus and cornbread on the side. Easy to make and yummy to eat. One cousin is having her 68th birthday, so a Meyer lemon bundt cake with ice cream is a simple solution for dessert. We've all been invited to a neighbor's home for Sunday morning brunch (fresh strawberry crepes..drool) so that will make it very easy on me.
Now, if these damn hives will just go away!!
"I can picture WN dressed like Neil Jason.". Who the heck is WN? I meant WH of course.
OMG. I just got that in an email and so I thought it was new information. It still wasn't cool, though.
Well, this is just a gosh darn random day...been beaucoup busy so didn't post anything this morning. Wine time...actually a bit past it but I have been enjoying myself over at YouTube, thanks to PMT's link...BTW...REALLY liked that. Jazz is my second go-to music after Classical, which I listen to all day while I paint. I used to listen to a really great jazz station here in the Bay Area. I also bought tapes...yes tapes...I'm old, listen to in the car. I sort of stopped doing that and only have just a few CD's, choosing the radio as my general music source. After you have been through vinyl, 8-track, tapes, cd' you can download stuff on an iPod...I just gave up as each technology superceded the can only save just so much stuff, plus keep the various different pieces of equipment operating to play it...We ditched the 8-track when our oldest daughter(at age 2) filled it with jelly beans. :o)
Anyway...blast from the to the Brecker Brothers were a bunch of Dave Brubeck! We used to listen to Dave Brubeck(1966) and think we were so high school days were spent between the music and art dept and I can tell you we had some seriously kick ass musicians and a jazz band to die for...most of us were also singers and we would amuse ourselves doing Swingle Singers a cappella...told you I was really geeky(sort of still am)...of course nowadays I am apparently an evil, treehugging, paint slathering anarchist...also possibly a Social Democrat...who bloody knew I would grow up to be so complex.
So...PMT just keep pluggin' in that music...lovin' it.
I am going to go now and catch up on my left wing tree hugging political shows(online of course...refuse to PAY for TV...remember...OLD!)
Cheers all...WM Mellowly(see WH, I can be Tom Swifty too...)
Any yakkers out there...bizzzzarree night and day.
the wildner....
two track...
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